Читать книгу A History of England, Period III. Constitutional Monarchy - J. Franck Bright - Страница 10

WILLIAM IV. 1830–1837.


Table of Contents

1830 Character of the King, 1418
Effects of the July Revolution, 1419
Position of Wellington's ministry, 1420
Danger from O'Connell's agitations, 1421
And from rick-burning, etc., 1421
Death of Huskisson, 1421
Anxiety felt in Parliament, 1422
Wellington resigns, 1422
Grey's ministry, 1423
Difficulties attending reform, 1423
1831 The first Reform Bill, 1425
The second reading, 1426
Dissolution of Parliament, 1426
The Bill passes in the Commons, 1427
The Bill rejected in the Lords, 1427
Consequent riots in the country, 1428
Organized action of the political unions, 1428
Opposition of the King, 1429
1832 The second Bill passes second reading in the Lords, 1429
Preparations during the recess, 1429
The Bill again rejected in the Lords, 1430
The ministers resign, 1430
They return to office, 1430
The Reform Bill passes, 1430
Description of the Bill, 1430
Importance of the change, 1432
Anxiety as to the effect of the change, 1433
1833 Character of the reformed Parliament, 1434
Critical questions to be settled, 1434
Condition of Ireland, 1434
Position of the Irish Church, 1435
Irish Tithe Composition Bill passed, 1436
Althorp's Irish Church Bill, 1436
The Coercion Bill, 1438
Changes in the ministry, 1439
Weakness of the ministry, 1440
Renewal of the Bank charter, 1441
Settlement of the East India Company, 1442
Emancipation of the Slaves, 1442
Condition of trade in the West Indies, 1443
1831 Opposition of planters to the orders in Council, 1444
1833 The Bill passed, 1445
1834 Weakness of the ministry shown in Parliament, 1445
Split in the Cabinet on Ward's motion on the Irish Church, 1446
Resignation of Stanley, Graham, Richmond, and Ripon, 1447
Difficulties of Grey's position, 1447
Grey resigns. Lord Melbourne's ministry, 1449
His Church policy, 1450
Reform of the Poor Law, 1451
Discontent and misery of the poor, 1453
Increase of trades unions, 1454
Dispute between Brougham and Durham, 1455
Dismissal of the Melbourne ministry, 1455
Peel's ministry, 1456
1835 The Tamworth Manifesto, 1456
Irish appropriation clause again introduced, 1457
Peel resigns. Melbourne's ministry reconstituted, 1457
Condition of municipal corporations, 1459
The Municipal Reform Bill, 1460
Foreign diplomacy of Palmerston, 1461
1831 Absorption of Poland, 1461
Formation of Belgium, 1462
Affairs of Portugal, 1463
1832 Affairs of Spain, 1463
1834 The Quadruple Alliance, 1464
Retrospect of affairs in India, 1465
1805 Cornwallis Governor-General, 1466
Sir George Barlow, 1466
1807 Lord Minto, 1466
1813 Marquis of Hastings, 1467
1814 War with Nepaul, 1467
1815 War with the Pindaries and Mahrattas, 1468
1823 Lord Amherst, 1471
War with Burmah, 1471
1826 Capture of Bhurtpore, 1472
A History of England, Period III. Constitutional Monarchy

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