Читать книгу A History of England, Period III. Constitutional Monarchy - J. Franck Bright - Страница 4

1714 Probability of a restoration of the Stuarts, 929
Council of Regency, 930
Peaceful accession of the King, 930
New Whig ministry, 931
The Hanoverian succession a Whig triumph, 931
Riots in the country, 931
1715 Impeachment of the late ministers, 932
The Jacobite rebellion, 932
Disaffection in Scotland, 933
Failure of the Jacobite hopes of French help, 933
Mar organizes the insurrection in Scotland, 934
Vigorous measures of the Government, 935
Mar's success in the Highlands, 935
Forster defeated at Preston, 936
Mar defeated at Sheriffmuir, 937
1716 The Pretender arrives, but shortly withdraws again, 937
Punishment of the rebels, 938
The Septennial Act, 938
First signs of the disruption of the ministry, 940
George goes to Hanover with Stanhope, 940
Negotiations with France, 940
Hanover threatened by Charles XII., 941
Dismissal of Townshend, 942
1717 The Triple Alliance, 942
Stanhope's ministry, 942
Threatening state of Europe, 942
Danger to England from Charles XII., 943
And from Alberoni, 944
1718 The Quadruple Alliance, 945
1719 Fall of Alberoni, 946
1720 European peace, 946
1717 Stanhope's home policy, 946
Constant opposition of Walpole, 946
Trial of Oxford, 947
1719 Repeal of the Schism Act, 947
Rejection of the Peerage Bill, 947
1720 Strength of the ministry. Walpole joins it, 948
The South Sea Bubble, 949
1711 Formation of the South Sea Company, 950
1720 The South Sea Scheme, 950
Competition of other companies, 951
The rage for stock-jobbing, 952
Bursting of the bubble, 953
1721 Punishment of the directors, 953
Supremacy of Walpole, 953
Revival of Jacobite hopes, 954
1722 Bishop Atterbury's plot, 954
1723 Quarrel between Carteret and Walpole, 956
1724 Excitement in Ireland, 957
1725 Disturbances in Scotland, 957
Spanish difficulties, 958
Intrigues of Ripperda, 959
Treaty of Vienna, 960
The secret treaty, 960
1726 The Treaty of Hanover, 961
Excitement of Europe, 961
1727 Preliminaries of peace signed at Paris, 962
Opposition to Walpole headed by Bolingbroke, 962
The King's death, 963
Review of the reign, 963
Increased importance of England abroad, 963
Private and public immorality, 963
Influence of the Hanoverian courtiers, 964
A History of England, Period III. Constitutional Monarchy

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