Читать книгу A History of England, Period III. Constitutional Monarchy - J. Franck Bright - Страница 7

Bute's influence over the young King, 1035
George's view of royalty, 1036
1761 Signs of a change of ministry, 1037
The campaign of 1761 produces a desire for peace, 1037
Negotiations between France and England, 1038
Pitt, suspecting the Family Compact, opposes peace, 1038
Pitt resigns. Bute becomes Premier, 1039
1762 War with Spain, 1039
Peace with France concluded, 1040
1763 Close of the Seven Years' War, 1041
Attack on the Whigs, 1041
Bute resigns, 1041
The Triumvirate ministry, 1042
The Bedford ministry, 1042
The trial of Wilkes, 1043
Origin of the American provinces, 1045
Restrictions on colonial trade, 1046
1764 Suppression of smuggling, 1047
1765 The Stamp Act, 1047
1765 The King's illness, 1048
The Regency Bill, 1048
Negotiations for a change of ministry, 1049
Pitt retires into private life, 1050
Ministry of the Whig Houses, 1050
The question of American taxation, 1051
1766 Return of Pitt and his declaration of views, 1051
The Stamp Act repealed, 1052
Weakness of the Government, 1052
Pitt becomes Lord Chatham and Prime Minister, 1053
His comprehensive plans, 1054
1767 His illness and mental failure, 1054
Townshend's financial measures, 1054
1768 Corruption of Parliament, 1055
Wilkes elected for Middlesex, 1055
1769 Increase of American difficulties, 1056
The Letters of Junius, 1057
Weakness of the ministry, 1057
1770 Camden, Granby, and Grafton resign, 1058
North's ministry. Triumph of the King's policy, 1059
Grenville's reform of election petitions, 1060
Increased irritation in America, 1061
Affair of the Falkland Islands, 1062
1771 The liberty of reporting Parliamentary debates, 1062
North's ministry gathers strength, 1063
1772 Royal Marriage Law, 1064
Fate of the Queen of Denmark, 1064
Division of Poland, 1065
Constitution of Poland, 1065
1773 Organized opposition in America, 1067
1774 Dunning's petition rejected, 1068
1772 The India Company's difficulties, 1069
1774 Boston Port Bill, 1070
Massachusetts Government Bill, 1070
Crisis of the quarrel, 1070
Acts of the General Congress, 1071
1775 Chatham's motions for reconciliation, 1071
Skirmish at Lexington, 1072
The Canada Bill, 1072
The Congress assumes sovereign authority, 1073
Washington commander-in-chief, 1073
Battle of Bunker's Hill, 1073
The Olive Branch Petition, 1075
Attack on Canada, 1075
1776 Howe retires to Halifax, 1076
Fresh offers of conciliation rejected, 1076
Declaration of Independence, 1077
Battle of Brooklyn, 1077
1777 Washington recovers New Jersey, 1079
Threefold plan of the English, 1079
Howe's expedition against Philadelphia, 1080
Battle of Germanstown, 1080
Washington reorganizes the army, 1081
Burgoyne's disasters, 1081
1776 Effect of American affairs in Parliament, 1082
1777 Increase of the Civil List, 1082
France acknowledges the independence of America, 1084
Chatham's energy in Parliament, 1084
1778 North's Conciliation Bill, 1085
Rupture with France 1085
Death of Chatham, 1086
Laws against Roman Catholics repealed, 1087
America rejects North's conciliatory offers, 1087
Effect of the alliance between America and France, 1088
Weakness of North's ministry, 1088
1779 Difficulties in Ireland, 1090
1780 Motions for economical reform, 1091
The Lord George Gordon riots, 1092
Rodney's victory, 1094
Capture of Charleston, 1095
War with the Dutch, 1095
Armed neutrality of the North, 1096
Arnold's treachery, 1096
Death of Major André, 1097
Campaign in Carolina, 1097
1781 St. Eustatia captured, 1098
Battle of Guildford Courthouse, 1100
Battle of Hobkirk's Hill, 1100
Battle of Eutaw, 1101
Cornwallis in Virginia, 1101
Surrender of Yorktown. Close of the war, 1103
New session of Parliament, 1103
1782 North's resignation. The Rockingham ministry, 1104
The agitation in Ireland, 1105
Economical reforms, 1106
Conclusion of the American War, 1107
Exorbitant demands of France, 1108
Siege of Gibraltar, 1109
Changed tone of French demands, 1110
1783 Terms of the peace, 1110
1782 Death of Rockingham. The Shelburne ministry, 1111
1783 Shelburne resigns. Return of the Whig ministry, 1112
Retrospect of Indian history, 1113
1600 Foundation of the India Company, 1113
1640 Foundation of Madras (1640), Bombay (1662), and Calcutta (1698), 1114
Decline of Portuguese and Dutch competition, 1114
1707 Decline of the Mogul Empire, 1115
1744 Competition with the French Company, 1115
1750 Success of Dupleix, 1116
1752 Dupleix defeated by Clive, 1117
1756 The Black Hole of Calcutta, 1118
1757 The Battle of Plassey, 1119
1761 Overthrow of the French power in India, 1119
Contest with the native states, 1120
1763 Massacre of Patna, 1121
1764 Battle of Buxar, 1121
Maladministration of the India Company, 1121
1769 Rise of Hyder Ali, 1122
1770 Famine in Bengal, 1123
1773 The Regulating Act, 1123
1774 Death of Clive, 1124
Warren Hastings, 1124
1778 The Mysore war, 1127
1780 Robbery of Cheyte Singh and the Begums, 1128
1781 Parliamentary inquiry, 1129
1783 Dundas's India Bill, 1129
Fox's India Bill, 1129
The King procures its rejection, 1131
Fall of the Whig ministry. Pitt's first ministry, 1132
1784 Pitt's victory over the Opposition, 1134
Dissolution of Parliament, 1134
Pitt's Budget, 1134
Pitt's India Bill, 1135
Pitt's Irish policy, 1136
Failure of Pitt's Reform Bill, 1137
Pitt's financial success, 1138
1785 Charges against Warren Hastings, 1139
1787 Conduct of the Prince of Wales, 1140
1788 Trial of Warren Hastings, 1141
First motion against the slave trade, 1142
The King's illness. The Regency Bill, 1142
Pre-eminence of Pitt, 1143
Effect of the French Revolution in England, 1145
Pitt's foreign policy, 1145
Political development of the country, 1146
1789 Affair of Nootka Sound, 1146
Alliance with Holland, 1146
Pitt's efforts to oppose Russia, 1147
Alliance with Prussia, Holland, and Sweden, 1148
1790 The Convention of Reichenbach, 1149
Industrial development of the country, 1150
1789 The French Revolution, 1151
Assembling of the States-General, 1153
Louis XVI. brought to Paris, 1154
Excitement produced in England, 1154
1790 First reactionary movement, 1154
Rejection of the Abolition of Tests and the Reform Bill, 1154
Burke's "Reflections," 1155
1791 The Canada Bill, 1155
Breach between Fox and Burke, 1156
The Birmingham riots, 1156
Pitt's policy as yet unchanged, 1156
Progress of the French Revolution, 1157
The King's flight to Varennes, 1157
1792 The Girondin ministry declares war, 1158
The King suspended, 1158
Massacres of September, 1159
Declaration of the Republic, 1159
Revolutionary character of the war, 1159
Edict of Fraternity, 1159
Change of opinion in England as to the Revolution, 1160
Formation of a new Tory party, 1161
Sympathy with the Revolution among the poor, 1161
Revolutionary societies, 1162
Rejection of Grey's Reform Bill, 1162
Proclamation against seditious writings, 1163
Riots in Sheffield and Dundee, 1164
The militia called out, 1164
1793 Signs of approaching war with France, 1165
The Alien Bill, 1165
Death of Louis XVI., 1165
Pitt's efforts to continue peace, 1166
Determination of the French for war, 1166
Declaration of war with France, 1167
French successes on the Continent, and against the royalists in France 1168
Pitt's difficulty in keeping up the coalition, 1170
1795 The French capture Amsterdam, 1172
Indirect advantages gained by England, 1172
1794 Defeat of the French fleet, 1173
1795 Prussia, Spain, and Holland leave the coalition, 1173
Insurrection of La Vendée, 1174
Expedition to Quiberon, 1176
Confidence of the English in Pitt, 1177
His repressive policy, 1178
1793 The Traitorous Correspondence Bill, 1178
Trials for seditious writings, 1179
1794 Portland joins the ministry, 1181
Desire for peace, 1181
1795 The Prince of Wales' marriage, 1182
Sufferings of the lower classes, 1183
Assault on the King, 1183
1793 Retrospect of French affairs, 1184
The Committee of Public Safety, 1184
1794 The Reign of Terror, 1185
Fall of Robespierre, 1186
1795 The Directory established, 1186
1796 Pitt's first negotiations for peace, 1186
Napoleon's Italian campaign, 1187
Pitt's second negotiations, 1188
Preparations to resist a threatened French invasion, 1190
French expeditions to Ireland and Bristol, 1190
Critical condition of England, 1191
Monetary crisis; suspension of cash payments, 1192
Victory of St. Vincent, 1193
1797 The mutiny at Spithead, 1194
The mutiny at the Nore, 1195
Disorganization of the French Government, 1196
Negotiations at Lisle, 1197
Battle of Camperdown, 1198
Peace of Campo Formio, 1198
Ireland, 1199
Complications attending Irish difficulties, 1199
Necessity for the Union, 1199
Irish opposition to Government, 1200
Grievances of the peasantry, 1201
Weakness of the executive, 1202
1789 Effect of the French Revolution, 1202
Formation of the Society of United Irishmen, 1203
1791 Disunion among the Catholics, 1204
Mismanagement of the Government, 1205
1793 Catholic Relief Bill passed, 1206
Renewed agitation for reform, 1207
1794 Failure of Fitzwilliam's efforts, 1208
1795 Lord Camden succeeds Fitzwilliam, 1209
The character of the rebellion, 1210
1796 Defensive measures of Government, 1210
Arrest of the revolutionary committee, 1211
The expedition to Bantry Bay, 1212
1797 Lake's success in Ulster and Munster, 1212
1798 Outbreak of the rebellion, 1214
Cornwallis succeeds Camden, 1215
Humbert's expedition to Killala, 1216
1799 Opposition to the Union, 1217
1800 The Union completed, 1219
1797 Desire of France to invade England, 1219
1798 Napoleon's campaign in Egypt, 1220
Battle of the Nile, 1220
Pitt forms a second coalition, 1221
1799 Italy regained by the allies, 1222
The allies capture the Dutch fleet, 1223
Napoleon defeated at Acre, 1223
Jealousies and disasters of the allies, 1224
Success in India, 1224
Napoleon made First Consul, 1225
1800 Napoleon's victories in Italy, 1226
Battle of Hohenlinden, 1227
1801 Treaty of Lunéville, 1227
Dissolution of the coalition, 1227
1800 Internal condition of England, 1228
1801 Rejection of the Catholic Relief Bill, 1229
Pitt resigns. Addington made Premier, 1230
Illness of the King, 1230
The French army in Egypt, 1231
Battle of Alexandria, 1232
Battle of Copenhagen, 1232
Peace between England and Russia, 1233
Napoleon appropriates Holland, Switzerland, and Italy, 1235
1802 Peace of Amiens, 1236
Napoleon continues his aggressions, 1237
Demands the repression of the English press, 1237
And the expulsion of the emigrants from England, 1238
Consequent change of feeling in England, 1238
Negotiations for Pitt's return, 1239
1803 Napoleon examines the resources of Egypt, England, and Ireland, 1239
His interview with Lord Whitworth, 1239
The militia embodied, 1240
Failure of renewed negotiations for Pitt's return, 1240
Declaration of war with Francem, 1241
Character of the war, 1241
Napoleon arrests the English in France, 1241
He excites discontent in Ireland, 1241
Emmett's Rebellion, 1242
Difficulty of Addington's position, 1243
1804 Pitt offers to undertake the Government, 1245
Addington resigns. Pitt's Tory ministry, 1245
Preparations to resist the French invasion, 1248
The Additional Force Bill. Increase of the navy, 1248
Napoleon attempts to form a coalition, 1250
A History of England, Period III. Constitutional Monarchy

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