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(Galanthus nivalis)


The common snowdrop, found widely in damp woodlands, on banks and in hedgerows, provides the first flowers of the year. A pretty plant which looks best planted in natural ‘drifts’.

type Bulb
flowers White, inner petals tipped with green
height 13–20cm (5–8in), mid-winter to early spring
planting Plant bulbs in early autumn, 5cm (2in) deep and 8cm (3in) apart
site Partly shaded. In grass, under trees, shrubs or hedges
soil Any, but grows best in rich, moist soils
care May take two to three years to get established but needs no attention
propagation When the clumps outgrow their space, lift and divide the bulbs immediately after flowering
varieties ‘S. Arnott’ is a larger, sweetly scented hybrid and ‘Viridapicis’ has green markings on the outer as well as inner petals
wildlife value The scent acts as a signal to insects waking up prematurely from hibernation. On warm days, when there are more likely to be insects about, the petals open to their fullest


Your Wildlife Garden

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