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(Eranthis hyemalis)


Originally an introduction from Europe and Asia, this member of the buttercup family is naturalised in many parts of Britain and widely grown in gardens. The dazzling yellow flowers appear before or at the same time as snowdrops.

type Tuber
flowers Bright yellow, mid-winter to early spring
height 10cm (4in)
planting Plant tubers in late summer, 3–5cm (1–2in) deep and 8cm (3in) apart in groups of six or more
site Sun whilst flowering, partial shade for the rest of the year. Under deciduous trees or between shrubs
soil Moist, humus-rich, leaf mould
care No special care
propagation Plants will naturally set seed and spread. Alternatively, lift and divide tubers immediately after flowering
wildlife value Provides early pollen for waking insects. The winter aconite relies on flies and bees for pollination

Your Wildlife Garden

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