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Many species of bats are becoming rare and in some cases nearing extinction because of disturbance and loss of natural roost sites. In cities and intensively farmed areas, their food supply of insects is also becoming depleted. A healthy garden with a wide range of insects will provide a rich night-time hunting ground. By eating a large proportion of pests like midges, the bats will help to maintain the garden’s natural balance.

By understanding bats’ natural cycle we can choose the best ways to encourage them to use our gardens and houses. Bats traditionally roost in hollow trees or in caves, but have increasingly become adapted to buildings. For winter hibernation they will seek out a well-insulated spot with a constant temperature, such as a cave or cellar, but it is quite difficult to provide these conditions artificially. During the rest of the year, bats are less particular and will use a number of different sites. In spring they will seek out a safe place to give birth and rear their young. In summer they may choose a cooler spot to roost and in autumn a slightly warmer one. If your garden has any old trees they may well be inhabited by bats. If not, it is even more important to put up bat boxes.

Your Wildlife Garden

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