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Meeting the Spirit Guides


Your own guide is in touch with you all the time Daisy … no matter how they communicate, everyone can tap into their guidance. You use it every day without even knowing it. Most of us have more than one guide. Gracious, I have a dozen …

Aunt Phoebe, in Fireworks by Jill Wellington and Edna Mae Holm

We’d spoken to our loved ones on the ‘other side’ but I had read a lot about angels and spirit guides and I wondered if it would be possible to chat with them on the angel board, too.

Spirit guides are advanced human souls, who act as our teachers and friends from the ‘other side’. Our spirit guides are aware of our life path – our goals and wishes. Their role is to support this path and help to ensure we reach these goals by helping to place the right people in our lives at the right time.

I’d been reading a lot about spirit guides at this time. Not everyone has a Native American spirit guide, as so many TV shows seem to indicate, but other archetypes include religious figures and other wise figures from history. I wanted to know more about my own guide. Most people agree that we are born with our own spirit guide and that others pop in and out of our lives as special skills are needed.

If you want to learn to play the piano, then guides with musical talents will step forward. If you want to learn to paint then a guide with an interest in art will come and assist. If you want to become good at handling money then a guide with knowledge in this area will be attracted to you … you get the idea. I believe that what many people experience as ‘angels’ are probably their personal guides. Most of us can’t tell the difference and I don’t think it matters as long as the energy is positive, and ‘feels’ and acts in our highest interests.

When I was a child I used to see a male figure in my bedroom – I would wake up several times a night and this person was always standing in my room, but as I awoke the figure would fade away. The visitor was a spirit. Was this my guide watching over me? Was his voice the ‘inner counsel’ that supported my life? Was he my ‘intuition’and my ‘natural instinct’? Did he have a name even?

As soon as possible I decided I needed to make a portable angel board; something we could carry around rather than a bag of letters. Di, Debbie and I would get together with our friend Wendy and it could be at any of our houses, so we needed to be prepared. We had to be able to chat with our friends anywhere and at any time.

I felt that I needed to take charge of the task and raced into town to buy a large sheet of card from our local art shop. I decided to be creative and was keen on using a gold-coloured board to make our communication instrument. To be honest, it never really worked out well. It looked great but they didn’t seem to be able to see the letters. I think the gold card reflected too much. Or maybe I had just made it too complicated?

We always communicated with the ‘other side’ in full light – preferably daylight, but at least sitting in a room with all the lights on. I spent hours creating fancy symbols as ‘short-cut’words but in the end, most of the time we just used the plain white card on the reverse side of the board which was easier for the spirits to ‘see’.

Eric was good with the symbols, but most of the other spirit visitors could barely communicate for more than a few seconds anyway, due to their own difficulties with moving into our plane of existence. We made up the white side of the board with just the A–Z letters (printed from the computer in a large font) to make it simple, and the words ‘yes’and ‘no’. Now at least we had a choice. Longer messages with Eric on the gold side of the board, and short ‘hello’s and ‘we love you’s from other relatives on the white side.

Debbie’s house was the chosen venue for the first home contact. Debbie had a spare room downstairs with a door we could close – to keep the children out. It was always funny if someone came to the door when we were working. Should we smile as they walked into the room? Should we rush and hide what we were doing? Should we close down the session, invite them in or send them away? It was always a dilemma.

Wendy was nervous as well as excited. I could see the whole experience through her eyes and remembered how in awe we had felt when presented with ‘the big secret’, in the early days of our contact with the heavenly realms. She hadn’t been involved at all at this point and everything was new to her. Already, we felt like the experts, which is bizarre now I think about it.

We set up the room much as we had before – I had typed out a special message (a sort of prayer) to invite our loved ones and we asked that each of us be surrounded by a white light of protection. I always imagined myself surrounded by a fluffy white cloud and it made me feel safe. Our protection ritual seemed to do the trick.

By this time I had bought a bottle of frankincense oil and placed two or three drops of oil into the water at the top of my oil burner. The messages were always clearer when we used the oil but most people didn’t like the smell! Still, the messages were more important so we worked with it anyway. You can get used to anything if you have to, and after a while I even started to like it. Debbie always complained but I insisted.

Naturally, Eric came through first, and then relatives and friends for all of us. Di is much younger than the rest of us and hadn’t experienced the deaths of the great aunts and uncles like we had. Her first visitor was George. George was an elderly gentleman that Di used to work with and she was stunned when he contacted her through the board. He’d made an impression on her in life and so a connection was still there in death. He remained firmly in her heart and I really believe that love is the link which binds us all – it’s all we need to reach out to those that we have loved and lost, and they certainly seem to be able to feel this energy that we send out and, in turn, reach back to us.

Wendy’s grandma came through, as well as other relatives and friends. Sometimes Wendy asked a question in her head and it was a shock when her reply was spelt out on the board, especially when she didn’t even have her finger on the glass. I think she realized fairly quickly that it was real, but it was still a shock.

It took several more sessions for us to feel comfortable and for us all to feel the experience was ‘normal’. Another friend joined us shortly afterwards and the five of us often worked together. I used to pop round to my sister’s and then come home and chat about it with my husband. It never seemed odd when he asked, ‘Anyone interesting come for a visit tonight?’ or ‘How was Eric tonight?’ even though Eric had been dead to his physical body for many years.

I soon began to see how widows became obsessed with spirit communication during the war years! Using a spirit board to chat with those on the other side could have its benefits too.

Eventually, after several weeks of practice everyone was ready to test out the theory of communicating with their own spiritual guides and guardian angels. Could they contact us in this way? Could angels even spell? Eric told us he was a ‘spirit guide in-training’, so we gave it a go.

‘Eric, who have you brought through tonight, and who is the message for?’ I asked formally.

The pointer moved towards my side of the table.

‘Is the message for me?’



‘It’s okay, try again.’


‘Kabm? What’s that? Is Kabm my guide?’


‘How do I even say that?’




‘Wow! Kabam is my spirit guide, my own personal spirit guide?’


So that was it! It worked! This was like receiving the first spirit communication all over again. We really could communicate and I was flushed with excitement!

‘Do you have a message for me?’


The X, they told us, was a kiss, or a short way of saying, ‘I send you love.’ It became used a lot by other spirits too.

We each met our spirit guides that night. Eric helped them communicate at first and then later they were able to work the board themselves. Kabam was usually the best, but I think that was because I usually took charge of the angel board, and Kabam was my own guide.

Over the next few weeks I asked more and more questions about my life, but strangely, nothing about his … and he didn’t offer anything. Spirit guides can answer questions but can’t tell us everything. They can’t tell us what to do or how to do it. Sometimes they offer guidance and always loving support of our own choices. They can help us with other things if we ask the right question in the right way.

We were always polite. Our chats with our guides were like being with life-long friends. I remember when my own guide had to go away for a short while and Eric stepped in to take over. I actually cried. Now, I know that sounds silly, but I felt like a part of me was being taken away. Of course he came back a short while later (I think he was gone about three weeks). Sometimes, when they couldn’t tell us what was coming up they would spell, ‘it’s a secret’, or ‘it’s a surprise’. I always hated these games but I understood this was for my highest good.

Our guides’ communications, like the contact from our loved ones, was real. The communication we were receiving was nothing like the scary experiences that others had with spirit boards. With each chat we needed a ‘medium’, one person who had the natural ability to bring through the messages; someone to keep control and act as the main channel for the information.

I discovered the reasons for my weird and paranormal experiences as a child were because I was a medium myself. One day the pointer spelled out, ‘Jacky you are a medium.’ My sister Di was also a medium, and others in the family also had psychic and spiritual gifts like healing. It explained a lot!

Of course, it didn’t always work. I remember frustration in the early days when two of us would sit down together to work the board, and nothing would happen at all. If Eric was about then we were fine. It seems this was more as a result of Eric’s own advanced communication skills than our own. But we did get better. In time we began to hear messages or ‘feel them’ before they were spelt out on the board. But we realized that the rituals we used for protection before and after using the board were always the most important thing of all. We had to stay safe.

Many people warn of the dangers of inviting unknown and mischievous spirits into your home, and although we were careful and this had never happened to us, there came a point when we decided it was time to stop – at least using the board with the frequency we were using it. Every problem was met with a call of ‘Let’s contact the spirits and ask them what they think.’ We were living our lives through the board rather than trying to live our lives by our own judgment.

It was a great adventure but the point had been made. The afterlife is real. Our loved ones don’t die. We are supported by loving spirit guides and angels. We have to live our own lives and learn our own lessons, and although we have more help than we ever realize, ultimately we have to work things through for ourselves. It was that simple. We had to learn our own lessons through our own life experiences, both good and bad.

Would I recommend using a spirit board or angel board as a means of communication? I guess we all have to decide what is right or wrong for us, but for the shortest time, I felt we had a glimpse into another world. One that I still visit on occasions using this same ‘door’.

It was time to move on to something new. How did other people experience contact from their loved ones in the afterlife? Did people believe in angels, and if so, how did they know they were real? Did angels work with children and animals, for example? The answer is yes.

I want to open up my case files for you. Thousands of stories hit my desk and most of them are completely fascinating. I never tire of hearing stories of how an angel intervened in someone’s life or how an angel saved a life. Our unseen guidance can make a life and change a life. Their visits make us see the world differently. There have been times when I have lain awake at night wondering what on earth life is about. Then there have been other nights when I have stared into the darkness and wondered what life was throwing at me. Why had I explored some of the things that I had? Why did I experience the phenomenon that I had?

I’ve had out of body experiences, angel visits, contact from loved ones and spontaneous past life recall … amongst other things. But that’s a whole other book!

Let’s journey through some very personal and real life experiences and investigate the phenomenon a little deeper. These stories have made me laugh, and sometimes cry. But with each there is hope, joy and deep, deep love. The Beatles had it right when they sang, ‘All you need is love!’ Because love, as they say, is all there is …

An Angel By My Side: Amazing True Stories of the Afterlife

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