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Father-in-Law’s Visit


‘I went over to Spain to see my mother-in-law one year in August, after her husband had passed away in May. This happened seven years ago and at that time we stayed in a friend’s apartment. My father-in-law used this apartment at times during his life, when they had extra guests staying with them.

‘One night we went to bed and it was a very hot night. Around the early hours of the morning I woke up. I looked at the clock at the side of the bed, and it was showing 4.10 am by the digital clock. As I looked up I saw a man on the veranda and I assumed that my husband was unable to sleep and had maybe got up for a cigarette. At first I thought nothing of it but as I sat up I noticed my husband was still asleep in the other twin bed.

‘I was so shocked initially that I dug my nails into the backs of my knees just to make sure I was not dreaming … I wasn’t! This figure walked through the wall on the veranda and then came back again. I could not believe my eyes when I realized it was my father-in-law.

‘I did not know what to do at that point, so I just sat there and watched. He was walking just the same as he did when he was alive, and he was shuffling along as he walked. Nothing was said. He looked around and carried on walking past and then he just disappeared!

‘The apartment was on the sixth floor, so no intruder could even get up that far, and I know that it was not my imagina tion as I had not even been thinking about him at the time.’

Spontaneous visits such as these happen a lot, although the ‘visits’are more likely to occur as a result of a direct need such as immense grief, pressing problems at home or finding ourselves in great danger. Our loved ones are able to feel this emotion from their own realms and move closer to comfort us or, in some cases, to offer advice. That initial moment of surprise is almost always replaced by deep peace or relief that they are okay.

Sometimes our loved ones can be quite ingenious. Anja wrote and shared her story with me. She is Danish but lives in England now. Her English is excellent but I have just changed a few words to make it a little easier for you to read. Many of Anja’s friends call her ‘Angel’.

An Angel By My Side: Amazing True Stories of the Afterlife

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