Читать книгу An Angel By My Side: Amazing True Stories of the Afterlife - Jacky Newcomb - Страница 15

The After Death Communication Phenomenon (ADC)


That life exists beyond death, to me there is no doubt … that science can explain the phenomenon, only time will tell.


If this sounds bizarre then I guess in a way it is. Can our loved ones contact us from a world after death? Can they communicate with us that they are alive and well, even though they are no longer part of this existence; no longer part of our world? My experience shows me that they can, and I’d like to share some amazing stories which back this up.

If you are just curious about the phenomenon, it might make you think, ‘Hang on, that happened to me once.’ You might be surprised! After a chat, people who originally said, ‘Well I’ve never heard of that’, often end up saying, ‘Actually, I had an experience like that once’, when they understand how the phenomenon works.

Some of what you are about to read is going to sound a little farfetched and unreal but trust me, everything in this book is true and every single experience is real. Your own beliefs may well have changed just a little bit by the end of the book, as mine did by the time I had read all the stories. What was once a hope and a dream is now complete reality for me.

Amazing experiences come to me from people of all religious backgrounds, and those with no religious belief at all. Old or young, it makes no difference. Do you believe in an afterlife or not? Your level of belief does not dictate how likely you are to have an afterlife communication experience. Children have some of the most memorable experiences of the lot. They have nothing to prove at all. Age and, indeed, disability are no barriers to love.

Does this story illustrate an afterlife? This lady emailed me a story relating to close family friends of hers.

An Angel By My Side: Amazing True Stories of the Afterlife

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