Читать книгу La pandemia de COVID-19 y los cambios en las condiciones de vida - Jacqueline Benavides Delgado - Страница 4
No one was prepared to face a pandemic in the world we knew. It has been a scenario of trial and error, as well as of improvisation in the management of policies aimed at mitigating its effects. The spread of the virus has had much more complex and diverse consequences than just affecting the health of the world’s population; covid-19 has had an impact on the political, economic, social, cultural and environmental levels. This book, composed of nine chapters, written by different researchers dedicated to different areas of knowledge, analyzes some of the impacts that the pandemic has had, especially on living conditions. From a health perspective, it outlines possible ways of treating the virus, implementation of policies for its care and prevention, possible causes and consequences of the pandemic from a social perspective of the disease, and in turn, from a social dimension, it considers a possible reconfiguration of the social and cultural space, and the construction of “new normalities” in a post-pandemic scenario. The changes observed in human beings caused by the pandemic, their customs, rituals and new ways of life are discussed. Finally, two authors analyze how covid-19 has affected the processes of institutionalization of gender policies in the region and favors the segregation and exclusion of lgbti sectors in the management that has been given to the pandemic.
Keywords: covid-19, globalization, pandemic, public policy, human relations, vaccines.
How to cite this book?
Caballero Parra, F. (Ed.). (2021). La pandemia de covid-19 y los cambios en las condiciones de vida (vol. 4). Ediciones Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. https://doi.org/10.16925/9789587603491