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This third edition to Continuous Emission Monitoring comes 20 years after the second edition was published. Over that period, more sources in more industries have been required to monitor a wider range of pollutants at ever‐decreasing emission levels. To meet the challenges of more stringent regulatory programs, both monitoring technology and the management systems necessary to maintain them have developed to the point where accurate and precise emissions data can be obtained at the lowest ranges specified by regulatory agencies. The evolution of monitoring regulation and the technology necessary to support it are based on programs initiated in the 1970s and 1980s. These programs were described in the first and second editions of Continuous Emission Monitoring, which have provided a foundation for those newly entering or those needing to gain perspective of the field. This third edition extends that foundation to later programs implemented in the 1990s and 2000s. In the 1990s, continuous emission monitoring (CEM) systems were applied to support the determination of emission “allowances,” in the U.S. acid rain cap and trade program. Later, in the 2000s, regulatory programs for NOx emissions, mercury, volatile and “air toxics,” semi‐volatile organic and inorganic compounds were instituted, leading to significant challenges for the monitoring community. This book focuses on continuous emission monitoring requirements promulgated in the United States, although monitoring rules developed in Canada and the European Union are addressed where appropriate.

Continuous emission monitoring involves the sum of activities associated with determining and reporting pollutant emissions from stationary sources. Coal‐ and oil‐fired power plants, municipal and hazardous waste incinerators, petroleum refineries, cement plants, Kraft pulp mills, and, now, many chemical process industries are required to monitor emissions on a continuous basis. The emissions data obtained provide a continuous record that can be used by environmental control agencies to support a variety of regulatory programs. First used to monitor the operation of air pollution control equipment, regulatory applications have extended in the United States to use CEM systems for determining the compliance of stationary sources with their emission limitations. For CEM data to be credible, one cannot rely only on instrumentation. The implementation of a plant‐level quality assurance program, based on routine quality control procedures, has been found essential for data credibility. As a result, CEM quality assurance and quality control have become integral to CEM regulation.

One of the purposes of this book is to provide an understanding of both the regulatory and technical issues that must be considered when making decisions about CEM systems. As regulatory applications are extended, CEM system data are being used increasingly for process control and optimization. Although the use of CEM systems for determining compliance with pollutant emission limits has been the driving force for their installation, the benefits of knowing what and how much of something is being emitted are becoming more widely recognized. Here, the adage that “if you can measure it, you can control it” has led to the acceptance of CEM systems by managers who understand that CEM systems can be used for more than just meeting environmental regulations – that a knowledge of emission rates can also be used to optimize plant operations.

The earlier editions of this book have continued to serve as a resource for training programs, the development of quality assurance plans, and the drafting of technical specifications for monitoring system purchases. It is a characteristic of U.S. environmental programs, that once written, regulations do not go away. In some cases they may be revised, but in others, they remain static. Continuous emission monitoring requirements have accordingly remained relatively unchanged over the past four decades. U.S. CEM requirements have remained basically the same since their inception in the 1970s, seeing only their greatest alteration with the allowance trading programs implemented in the 1990s. In terms of technology, extractive sampling methods, in situ monitoring, the principles of light absorption and light scattering, and other analytical methods applied in the monitoring instrumentation are fundamental; providing the basis for understanding the operation of instruments that typically remain installed from 15 to 30 years. However, much has been learned over the past 20 years and an update of the second edition is needed to provide a current perspective of the field. In particular, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency institutes new rules and requirements as required by the periodic amendment of the Clean Air Act. These new rules are added to extend control over a wider range of industries for a wider range of pollutants. This edition of Continuous Emission Monitoring addresses these rules and the technology applied to meet them.

This book examines the interplay of technology and regulation as it affects the design, application, and certification of CEM systems. It describes new techniques employed in emissions monitoring, adds new knowledge gained on existing methods, but excludes instrumentation that is no longer available commercially. Chapters on the measurement of air toxics, mercury, and greenhouse gases have been added. The chapter on air toxics discusses monitoring instrumentation and methods used to measure hazardous air pollutants regulated under 40 CFR 63, the so‐called MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technology) program. Monitoring for mercury is also required under this rule; however, due to the complexity of both the monitoring technology, calibration methods, and certification requirements, a separate chapter is devoted to this topic. A chapter on greenhouse gas monitoring has also been added. Monitoring greenhouse gases is relatively straightforward; however, data quality is paramount in this area of measurement. The role of CEM systems in greenhouse gas reporting is discussed in relation to the use of mass balance, emission factors, and other estimates to provide perspectives in reporting and certifying greenhouse gas information.

Due to the expanded use of CEM systems in regulatory programs both in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia, it is important for data comparability between nations that both the monitoring technology and regulatory standards used for system specification be technically sound. Additional emphasis is given to international approaches to continuous monitoring, particularly approval methods for the “automatic monitoring systems” (AMS) of the European Union (EU). Differences between the U.S. and European methods are discussed with regard to data equivalence and the implications for international agreements.

CEM technology can be considered to be mature for the continuous measurement of gases such as SO2, NO, CO, O2, and CO2, in addition to the measurement of particulate matter, mercury, and flue gas volumetric flow. By mature, it is meant that sufficient knowledge has been attained over the past 50 years of CEM development so that when properly designed, operated, and maintained, these CEM systems can be used to measure emissions to within acceptable levels of precision and accuracy. Advances in the application of digital electronics have greatly improved monitoring instruments, as well as continuing the trend to smaller, more cost‐effective, and less maintenance intensive instruments. But CEM systems do remain application dependent. An instrument manufacturer's new analyzer or a CEM systems integrator's innovative design must still be evaluated with respect to plant‐specific requirements as well as the ever more demanding regulatory requirements. In terms of present realities, the first law of CEM systems that “there is no best type of system” may be rephrased more positively. The best system is one that (i) works in the plant application, (ii) can be purchased and operated at “reasonable cost,” and (iii) requires relatively low maintenance. It is, however, not always easy to obtain that one best system when confronted with marketing claims, conflicting performance histories, cost limitations, and installation deadlines.

This third edition is written in the same spirit as the first and second, presenting the principles by which CEM system technical and regulatory developments can be understood. This book is designed to be comprehensive in scope, to meet the needs of both the plant environmental engineer applying CEM systems and control agency personnel incorporating CEM systems in regulatory programs.

Although the chemical or physical basis of analyzer operation is given, the theoretical and technical details necessary for designing monitoring instrumentation and systems is beyond the scope of this book. Ample references are incorporated after each chapter should the reader wish to further pursue specific topics. This edition of Continuous Emission Monitoring, as the first and second editions, seeks to introduce the reader to this dynamic field and to point the way to the knowledge of today's CEM systems necessary to address the challenges of today's regulatory environment.

The author would like to thank the graphic artists who have contributed to the evolution of the figure illustrations presented in this book. These artists include Katherine Lindsay and Betsy Huber who initiated many of the original CEM system dimensional drawings, Sherry Stafford who prepared the graphics for the first edition, and John Havel who developed the new graphics for both the second edition and this third edition. The author is indebted to the instrument manufacturers and CEM system integrators who graciously furnished diagrams and technical information of their instruments and systems. Thanks are also expressed to Kata Kollath for assistance in editing, and the colleagues who offered suggestions for the development of this edition and pointed out errors in the second edition.

James A. Jahnke, PhD

Continuous Emission Monitoring

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