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No book is the work of just its authors. It is difficult to say which ideas are our own and which are an amalgam of those with whom we have associated. Two fine restorative dentists had an important influence on this book: Dr Robert Dewhirst and Dr Donald Fisher have been mentors, colleagues, and, most importantly, friends. Their philosophies have been our guide for the last 40 years. Dr Manville G. Duncanson, Jr, Professor Emeritus of Dental Materials, and Dr Dean Johnson, Professor Emeritus of Removable Prosthodontics, both of the University of Oklahoma, were forthcoming through the years with their suggestions, criticism, and shared knowledge. Thanks are also due to Mr James Robinson of Whip- Mix Corporation for his help with materials and instruments in the chapters that deal with laboratory procedures. Appreciation is expressed to Dr Mike Fling for his input regarding tooth preparations for laminate veneers. Thank you to Mr Lee Holmstead, Brasseler USA, for his assistance with the illustrations of the diamonds and carbide burs.

Illustrations have been done by several people through the years: Mr Robert Shackelford, Ms Laurel Kallenberger, Ms Jane Cripps, and Ms Judy Amico of the Graphics and Media Department of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Artwork was also contributed by Drs Richard Jacobi and Herbert T. Shillingburg. This book would not have come to fruition without the illustrations provided by Ms Suzan Stone and the computer program, Topaz Simplify, suggested by Mr Alvin Flier, a friend from 40 years ago in Simi, California. A special thank you to the Rev John W. Price of Houston, Texas, for restoring my sense of mission in June 2008.

Thanks to you all.

Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics

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