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Over the years, as I've collected the knowledge and experiences to bring this book together, there have been many, many people with whom I have studied, worked, and interacted. Our discussions, debates, and collaborations have led to the ideas and approach to design presented on the pages that follow.

While there are far too many to whom I owe a debt of thanks to try to list each here, I do want to give particular thanks to David L. Johnson, Corrine Johnson, Greg Zick, Tom Anderson, David Wright, Gary Anderson, Patrick Donahoo, Dave Bezold, Steve Swift, Paul Lantz, Mary Kay Winter, Steve Jones, Kasi Bhaskar, Brigette Huang, Jean‐Paul Calvez, Gary Whittington, Olivier Pasquier, Charles Staloff, Gary Ball, John Davis, Patrick F. Kelly, Margaret Bustard, William and Betty Peckol, and Donna Karschney for all they've done over the years. William Hippe, Alex Talpalatskiy, and my brother William Peckol, who have all spent many hours proofreading, commenting, and making valuable suggestions to improve the early, working versions of the text, deserve a special thank you. From John Wiley, I want to thank Sandra Grayson who supported the original idea of publishing this text and especially Louis Manoharan (Project Editor) and Kanchana Kathirvelu (Production Editor), both of whom helped to guide the manuscript through the editing and production phases, and the unknown copyeditors, compositors, and others whose efforts on and contributions to this project have been invaluable.

In any project, design reviews are an essential part of producing a quality product. I wish to express my appreciation and thanks to this project's many reviewers for their evaluations and constructive comments, which helped guide its development.

I want to extend special thanks to my family William, Suzanne, Joe, Paulette, Karl, and Lori, and to my daughters Erin and Robyn, and grandchildren Kyleen, Jordan, and Tara.

Finally, I extend a thank you to my many teachers, friends, colleagues, and students who I've had the pleasure of knowing and working with over the years.

Introduction to Fuzzy Logic

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