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1.4.2 Learning with a Teacher


Learning with a teacher is the first level of increased complexity in the learning hierarchy. Here, the learner is beginning to take an active role in several phases of the process, specifically she or he may request information from the teacher. In this situation, abstracted or general information is presented in an integrated manner by the teacher. The learner must accept the information and then complete the store of knowledge by inferring the missing details.

Many successful programs have been written using such a paradigm. In these, the program played the role of the student or learner. Several programs, including Mostow's FOO program for playing the card game “hearts” and Waterman's poker player, were oriented toward game playing. Davis's TEIRESIAS program presented an interesting variation on this scheme.

Rather than being autonomous, TEIRESIAS was designed to sit in front of the MYCIN program written earlier by E.H. Shortliffe. MYCIN was a large rule‐based system designed to assist physicians in the diagnosis and therapy of infectious diseases. The design and development process for any such large‐scale system is both iterative and refining. If the system makes a misdiagnosis or offers advice contrary to the physician's diagnosis, the knowledge base must be modified. Under such a condition, TEIRESIAS would interact with the user to correct the difficulty. Such a situation reduces to a two‐part task: first, explaining to the user the line of reasoning that led to the conclusion and then second, asking what additional or different information is needed to alter the result.

Introduction to Fuzzy Logic

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