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1.4.4 Analogical or Metaphorical Learning


Analogical or metaphorical learning is probably one of the more common methods by which human beings acquire new knowledge. As Winston points out in his work Learning and Reasoning by Analogy, with such an approach, once again, the learner's contribution to the process is increased. When learning by example, the learner is presented with positive and negative instances of the concept to be learned. With an analogy, the student has only closely related instances from which to extract the desired concept.

Jaime Carbonell identifies transformational and derivational as the two principal methods of reasoning by analogy. When learning by transformational analogy, the line of reasoning proceeds incrementally from some old or known solution to the new or desired solution through a series of mappings means‐ends called transform operators. The operators are applied using a means‐ends paradigm until the desired transformation is achieved.

Knowledge acquisition by derivational analogy achieves learning by recreating the line of reasoning that resulted in the solution to the problem. The reconstruction includes both decision sequences and attendant justifications.

Introduction to Fuzzy Logic

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