Читать книгу The Human Primer - James Taylor - Страница 3
ОглавлениеThe world we live in was built by many of the Seniors alive today. We lived life according to the rules we learned. At the time, we thought we were doing what was best. As it turned out, the roadmap we followed led us all to the wrong end-game. When we built our frameworks, our social infrastructures, our governments and religions... we were literally building things in the dark. But as you will see in this Primer, we didn't know crap! In our lifetimes all the sciences discovered some crap that we didn't know about back then. Had we known, we would have built an entirely different world. Some of us are very sorry about that.
The young people on this planet are awake and now observing what we seniors put together and what a mess we made. But I must remind you, "We didn't know crap!" The Human Primer is a condensed book on the very basics of what all the sciences express and know about how every human being... is being human.
The challenge for the Human Primer was to take complex scientific data (and jargon) and articulate it in a way the non-scientifically inclined could fully comprehend. It took countless iterations of the Primer to find the right delivery method. In the end, the Primer uses "The Atoms Family" as central characters who show us how the sciences illuminate us being human. It makes complex science easier to understand.
Once Primed with this knowledge (knowledge your Seniors didn't have), you will carry an entirely different cipher, filter and discernment about all you encounter and experience. Seeing how we all exist as human beings scientifically introduces a new paradigm from which to view the world. It is easy to see why your seniors made a mess since we didn't even know the Atom's family was there! We literally took the Atoms Family Clan and threw them under the bus tires. Seems insane now. But we had never met the Atom's clan.
We Seniors have one request: Put all the biases we taught you aside. The Primer is not advocating or ascribing any rightness or wrongness to sensitive areas like religion and politics. No sides are taken. Being human has only one side... being human! The book simply describes the biological, chemical and electromagnetic impact you make by taking any side, from all points of view, with any argument on any position adopted... it absolutely doesn't matter.
At the scientific level lying underneath all human beings... we are all exactly the same. This Primer covers the basics, the human common denominators that directly affect all humans regardless of where you are, who you are or how you are. If you are human, you might find it useful to know how you are being human. It is really that simple.
Primer knowledge is not about opinion. It isn't about taking sides. It isn't about judging. It is about the impact each of us has on our quantum, chemical and biological systems by simply being our decisions. It is about what happens to every human being when they decide to think, feel and do regardless of what it is that they might think, feel or do! In the end, it is about human free will and what science has discovered regarding the impact it has. All the sciences have now seen and measured free will in action. The collective power of free will being used on this planet is at an all time high with over seven billion contributors.
As it turns out, free will is where the Atoms Family party begins. So I guess it is about time for you to meet the family.
Best wishes and good luck! -Your Seniors.