Читать книгу The Human Primer - James Taylor - Страница 7
Plugging in to the Grid
ОглавлениеIn general, we humans don’t agree on a whole lot. It is quite obvious how we are galvanized into an illusion of being in separate groups. But we are all connected and blowing up the same balloon. Just look around you at all the separators created for you to free-will into. This is your seniors' legacy and gift to you. Here are some of the big ones: Religions, politics, sports, schools, social clicks, sexual preference, race, language, jobs, competition of all sorts, geography, money, abortion, wars, immigrants and etc. etc. This list is endless. What we actually created was a constellation of smaller separate groups pushing against each other. That's our human model, designed by us seniors and lived out by all of us. In fact, we are more against things than they are for things. Sound familiar? But wait! We still have our brother Atom ubiquitous amongst all the groups and is the permanent member that ties all the groups (us) together... and telling Mom. The fact is: we really aren't separate at all because of Atom. And brother Atom and Mom cannot be trusted to keep a secret and are (as you know) known blabber-mouths... and full of crap. If Atom and Mom know... evverry one knows!
SIDE NOTES: We have all heard the idiom regarding the "99% vs. the 1%ers." Well, because of all the separations we seniors built for you then what we really have is 2% here and 5% there and 7% for this other group that all total up to 99% of the population. We really don’t have a 99% group. We divided ourselves up in clumps and fight each other while all the time, we didn't know our yawn and our bark was affecting us all... until now. We are all 99.99% the same... energy. A simple smile or a yawn changes the entire landscape.
Every now and then some world events happen that get’s everyone’s attention. We all stop what we are doing and focus on this event. It gets our full attention worldwide. A few recent ones come to mind like; Princess Diana’s death, John F. Kennedy’s assassination and 9/11. Or smaller ones like bombings and numerous terrorist acts and school massacres. These events capture the attention of human beings and focus us on one single thing. When we collectively focused our attention, we literally instructed and laser-focused our brother Atom on what particular sway he will take. This sway we gave Atom then in-turn changed the electromagnetic grid around our planet (Mom). This means the energy grid on our planet is a reflection of us and what we are choosing to be. You might need to read this twice. The energy grid on our planet is a reflection of us and what we are choosing to be. Atom is at the beck and call of our free will. Both the grid and the humans are connected by brother Atom which in-turn is the balloon. All inclusive.