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Chapter 1

Introduction to Brother Atom

This Primer is a narrative regarding a family clan that starts with Brother Atom.

The Science of Atom


Atom is the hero of the family. He can be anything he wants in life and anywhere he wants. He is a fantastic listener and has intimate relationships with every "thing" and every "body" on the planet... very impressive. Atom is ubiquitous. You better love your brother because you can't escape his presence. He does however, have a couple of character flaws: Atom is brainwashed instantly, an absolute blabber-mouth and he basically has no direction what-so-ever.


We humans were taught that all physical matter was separate and mutually exclusive from each other. All evidence at the time provided us proof this was indeed true. You can see a chair there and a couch here. They are not the same. They are not in the same space. You weren't smoking anything to hallucinate it ... this was just the observed case of the matter. So this founding assumption must have been true. But it was not! When we peeled back the layers of matter some interesting questions came up that caused us to make even more wrong assumptions linked to this first missed understanding.

For decades we understood that all physical matter (and this includes us) is made of atoms. There are no exceptions. We have known this a long time. Your body is made of cells, these cells are made up of molecules, proteins, and DNA, but they are all made of atoms. No mystery here! We thought an atom was just a nucleus with a bunch of electrons swirling around it. We even figured out how all these electrons, neutrons and protons were arranged to create all the elements that make up all matter. But we overlooked something... a lot of something actually! Scientists tend to ignore things they can’t explain by giving them labels like “constant.” Constant meaning: Heck it’s always there but we have no idea what it is... but it is always the same. Literally a big blank with a label ascribed to it. Well scientists finally got around to investigating the part we missed, the majority of what matter itself... is!

Ever fallen and hit the ground? It was pretty hard wasn’t it? Felt solid too... didn’t it? And remember, when you fell, your atoms collided with a bunch of other Atoms. Well, this is where the Atom's family story begins. Brother Atom didn't turn out to be who we thought he was... not at all!

...now the rest of the story.

We knew Atom was an isolationist. Every one of them... Atoms, were separate with neat boundaries to keep them apart. They had a mob mentality and clumped together into molecules who in-turn clumped together and made stuff like the ground you hit. But when we looked closer at Atom we found something profound that changed our most fundamental assumptions about who he was.

He was totally full of crap! Crap we didn’t understand. In fact, Atom was 99.99% crap. What sort of brother is this? All those protons, neutrons, and electrons that we knew about only totaled up to be about .01% of a complete atom. There was 99.99% more to Atom so we had literally been looking at a facade. It wasn’t really him. You know, you think you know somebody! You can imagine how this changed our opinion of the guy. The fact was, we only new about one-hundredth of one percent of who Atom really was. Hardly the close relationship we thought we had with the fellow. The other 99.99% of Atom was just crap we ignored. We had no idea what this crap was so we acted like it wasn’t even there. I guess we were just blinded by love when we first discovered that Atom was here. He showed up everywhere and became our most trusted ally since everything and everybody depends on him to exist.

But our relationship changed when we discovered he was literally full of crap we knew nothing about! I guess we have all had this experience at some point in our lives where we discover someone wasn't who we thought they were. Just like in everyday life, this completely changed the very nature of our relationship.

This crap had no physical properties. No atomic weight. It was no-thing. Yet it comprises the majority of Atom himself. To us, it looked like open space that surrounded those little electrons swirling around. But it wasn’t just space. It was energy. And without it, our brother Atom could not exist. Which means we human beings couldn’t exist either... nor a pillow or the ground you hit. Neither could the chairs and the sofas. We found something profoundly important. The common denominator to all life as we know it. If your beliefs want to find ubiquity and omnipresence... well, here it is.

The human body has an estimated 370,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (three hundred seventy septillion) atoms enabling a human being-a-body! 99.99% of it... is energy.

The Paradigm Shift

An Atom-ic shift in thinking definitely hit the fan when the rest of the family discovered who Atom really was. When we realized Atom was the very fabric of everything we also discovered that he is an absolute blabbermouth... the common denominator telling all-to-all... we realized nothing could actually be separate or secret. Everything in the universe is connected by the energy that allows brother Atom to exist. It is the most common component of everything that exists... including us. It is what binds the universe together. The very fabric of everything that is. Without it... it is not. Profound isn’t it? Welcome to the first course in being human. You are pure energy and connected to everything that exists by this same energy. This is a dimensional shift in our comprehension of being human. We cannot perceive this energy with any of our five senses... not a one, but it is there. We found it.

Let’s look at this through an analogy. Imagine that all this Atom-ic energy is a balloon. If something physical wants to exist and be recognized then it must protrude through the balloon to create a facade of itself. So imagine you inside this balloon and pushing your face against it to make a protruding face on the outside for us to see. Got it? Now imagine everything physical in the universe is doing exactly the same thing. Got that? Without the balloon’s fabric... then no thing could or would exist. See?

So let’s say you get tired and yawn. When you do, your mouth will open and you will stretch the fabric of the balloon ever so slightly. But that small stretch makes the entire balloon fabric just a little bit thinner... so it affects us all. You are connected just like us. This means any change of any thing protruding through the fabric affects the entire balloon and thus every other protrusion that exists. Didn’t know you were having such an impact on the world did you? At the atomic level of our existence it is all the same. The crap we found in our brother Atom is the balloon that ties all of life together into one big energy field. And we are simply protrusions through it. That is how we impact the entire world.

Ever heard?

“What goes around comes around.”

“You get out of it what you put into it.”

Got the picture? Great!

Lesson Summary

Our brother Atom turns out to be the most important person in any of our lives. He is scientifically omnipresent and ubiquitous. 99.99% of all physical matter consists of energy and that energy is all connected. This is the lesson. Although, this is not the end of the Atom's family history because, as it turned out, brother Atom has a mother!

The Human Primer

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