Читать книгу Neuro-Hijacking Manual - Jamie Nuich - Страница 1

Why You?


You are:

 Busy & Stressed ... with back-to-back meetings, a chaotic work day, crabby bosses, high-resistant prospects, high-conflict clients/employees ... you don't have time for drama and yet you constantly end up stuck in the middle of drama ...

 Struggling: to see through the human games and BS ... wondering why people do what they do ... how to tell when someone legit has a problem or they are confused or they are just being a jerk or they are trying to hustle you/game the system ...

 Grappling: with the possibility that you will be forced to tread water for good, only to die bitter and confused ...

 Wishing: you'd studied veterinary science or just led a simpler life without the politics and drama of dealing with people ...

 FINALLY DONE with prestigious education that makes no sense and hollow "expert" opinions that sound nice but do nothing for you. You just want no-BS, no-nonsense guidance. You want someone to tell you what is really going on, even if it goes against all the popular noise in the airwaves today ...

 Not interested in watered-down techniques or puff pieces ... you want the turbocharged tools that work like high voltage cable-chargers so you can bypass all the pitfalls and traps and instead learn to bend reality like you're Neo in the Matrix ...

If this is you, then you NEED to meet me. My name is Jamie. I am the Oracle to your Neo, here to guide you through the Matrix of your own internal wiring, human dynamics and human relations. No BS. No fillers. Just pure, simple truths to guide you on your way.

WARNING: it is advised you STOP reading if:

 You want fluffy answers that make you feel good. This Manual is confronting. You may hate me for that if you aren't ready for this. You're encouraged to stay with it, because your life is only going to get better once you're able to process this Manual.

 You are under 18 years old. This Manual is rated R18+ for a reason. I would even caution you not to read this if you are under the age of 25.

 You have all the answers. You'll be disappointed here if you already have all the answers.

If this is you, continue at your own risk. You were forewarned.

Still here? Excellent.

Neuro-Hijacking Manual

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