Читать книгу Neuro-Hijacking Manual - Jamie Nuich - Страница 2

Why Me?


I am NOT a doctor. And that's a good thing. Because it means that I cannot hide behind my title or medical jargon to persuade you. In fact, I will resist the urge to cite medical terminology to impress you. Instead, I will be using greater wisdom - real-world experiences in dispute resolution practice and epistemology (the knowledge of knowledge) - which is only going to benefit us both in the long run.

I am the leading authority on special intelligence in negotiation and conflict resolution practice on the planet. Yes, you read that right: the planet. Why?

 For starters, no-one else has claimed the title. So I got lucky there and pulled a Christopher Columbus.

 But also I have won prestigious tertiary, state and international awards in mediation, negotiation, trial advocacy and diplomacy and earned my stripes running over 2,000+ seriously juicy deals and disputes in litigation, business and mediation (from $1 to $7bn, pedestrian gripes to monster litigation). I've run trials, appeared at the UN, with equal measures of experience managing relationships that work well for SME businesses, in high-end corporate consulting, politics and diplomacy.

 I have read 500+ books on human dynamics - from psychology, persuasion, linguistics, hardcore philosophy, litigation, military history, theatre studies and more - to formulate my own brand of wicked smart intelligence (without the wicked part).

 I run Dispute Intelligence², a bad-ass special intelligence program like the Matrix in negotiation and conflict resolution practice for a handful of exceptional candidates who make the cut each year (less than 0.00001%).

And I've developed a life-changing system, called the Modern Guardian's Playbook, that will transform you (yes, you, spilling your coffee, who goes to Google for answers and doubts if he/she can) into a walking, talking modern-day Solomon. This system will teach you a completely original and ethical approach to shrewdly manage yourself and others in business and conflict, with god-like psychological powers (without 20 years experience, an MBA, a brain transplant, selling your soul to the devil or developing Nixon-levels of paranoia).

Neuro-Hijacking Manual

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