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How to Use This Manual


Think of this Manual like a detox to clear out mental and emotional contaminants that are hijacking your thinking. Whenever you feel stuck in conflict or blinded by the fog of emotions, return to this Manual to detox your system and the way out will be re-lit for you in these pages.

You can detox just once or you can design your own extended treatment plan: returning to this Manual day after day until you feel you're operating sans toxins.

Once you feel you have detoxed, then you can start to use the power of these Gifts & Charms to enhance your own life.

You will also develop a better sense of detecting and commanding these Gifts & Charms in social and work settings.

You may be shocked at (1) how common these are (like Panadol/Tylenol in a supermarket); and (2) the raw power of these Gifts & Charms to invisibly change hearts and minds.

Don't be fooled: these Gifts & Charms are not soft, mushy "feelings" that belong in kindergarten lessons. These Gifts & Charms are among the most sophisticated persuasion devices known to man. Wherever you find people, you will find these Gifts & Charms at work. They exist in multi-million dollar disputes, in politics, in every workplace, in relationships of every kind.

The power is yours. Use it wisely.

Neuro-Hijacking Manual

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