Читать книгу Neuro-Hijacking Manual - Jamie Nuich - Страница 4

Neuro-Hijacking is ...


Neuro as in neurology, neuroscience, the brain and nervous system.


Hijacking as in terrorists taking down the plane or someone trying to disrupt good order and take over a situation.

As you probably know, Daniel Goleman first coined the term amygdala hijacks to describe the function of a specific part of the brain (the amygdala) overriding a person's ability to think. This Manual takes that concept of hijacking and extends it beyond the amygdala to greater instances of reflexive human behaviour caught up in emotions, desires and trickery. Rather than scientific explanations, this Manual explores the human experience of hijacks based on extensive interdisciplinary research and anecdotal practical experience.

For the sake of this Manual, neuro-hijacking is defined to mean when the attention brain, the feeling brain or the sensing brain bypasses the thinking brain. That's it.

Neuro-hijacking is when the Attention Brain or the Feeling Brain or the Sensing Brain bypasses the Thinking Brain.

The result is that your FOCUS gets directed by what captures your attention and you can FEEL strong desires and emotions without even needing to THINK before you react.

These neuro-hijacks affect you like real drugs in your system. And they work so well because they play into pre-existing frailties of human cognition. It is only by learning about them that you can ever overcome them.

It's important to keep an open mind as you learn about neuro-hijacking. Neuro-hijacking can be so powerful that it can even trick you into thinking you’re thinking, when you’re really running on limited senses, unchecked desires and pure emotion. Indeed, the ONLY real way to break the spell is to learn about how the spell is cast. It is THAT powerful.

But the power of neuro-hijacking is not always a bad thing. In fact, if you have the mental fortitude to command neuro-hijacking (rather than to be enslaved by it) then you can turn the tables and use this power in a positive way: to gain incredible motivation, a better quality of life and a greater influence to affect the social systems around you. Imagine turbocharging your car with re-generating fuel that will keep you driving for days, and months, and years on end. So don't be so quick to dismiss neuro-hijacking as inherently bad because you can easily flip it to your advantage and make it good.

Neuro-Hijacking Manual

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