Читать книгу Lotus and the Lily - Janet Conner - Страница 7



Our Master Teachers


The Story Behind the Lotus and the Lily

How to Use This Book

What Are Mandalas and Why Do We Make Them?

Week 1: Prepare

Day 1: Begin with Intention

Day 2: You're Not Alone

Day 3: You Are Your Own Shaman

Day 4: Create Your Own Ritual

Day 5: Write Your Own Prayer

Day 6: Uh-Oh! Here Comes the Opposite!

Day 7: Stop and Savor

Week 2: Look Back

Day 8: Look Over Your Shoulder

Day 9: Name Your Movie

Day 10: Spirit Winks

Day 11: Thought Worms Be Gone!

Day 12: Don't Go Back to Sleep!

Day 13: Your GrandSelf

Day 14: Say Thank You

Week 3: Create Space

Day 15: Universe Cash

Day 16: Call in the Vultures

Day 17: The One You Must Forgive

Day 18: Enough

Day 19: Release Your Prisoners

Day 20: Finally Forgive

Day 21: Finally Forgive Yourself

Week 4: Look Forward

Day 22: Connect to Power

Day 23: Your Foundation: Soul Purpose

Day 24: Ellen and Your Life Around the Corner

Day 25: The Trust Thermometer

Day 26: Fill Your Cart

Day 27: Name Your Year

Day 28: Focus Only on What's Coming In

Day 29: Soul-Day Preparation

Day 30: Soul Day and Intention Mandala

How to Keep Your Intention Mandala Alive



Nourish Review

Paradox Alerts Review

Your Soul Wants Five Things

Books, People, and Websites


About the Author

Bonus Material

Lotus and the Lily

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