Читать книгу Lotus and the Lily - Janet Conner - Страница 7
Our Master Teachers
The Story Behind the Lotus and the Lily
What Are Mandalas and Why Do We Make Them?
Week 1: Prepare
Day 3: You Are Your Own Shaman
Day 6: Uh-Oh! Here Comes the Opposite!
Week 2: Look Back
Day 8: Look Over Your Shoulder
Day 11: Thought Worms Be Gone!
Day 12: Don't Go Back to Sleep!
Week 3: Create Space
Day 17: The One You Must Forgive
Day 19: Release Your Prisoners
Day 21: Finally Forgive Yourself
Week 4: Look Forward
Day 23: Your Foundation: Soul Purpose
Day 24: Ellen and Your Life Around the Corner
Day 28: Focus Only on What's Coming In
Day 30: Soul Day and Intention Mandala
How to Keep Your Intention Mandala Alive
About the Author
Bonus Material