Читать книгу Sex Rules! - Janice Z. Brodman - Страница 10


Is that a vibrator in your pocket, or are you glad to see me?

Who’s more obsessed with sex, men or women? Now there’s a no-brainer, declare the Biwat of Papua New Guinea: Women!

Women, they explain, are ruled by uncontrollable lust. No normal woman can smother her incessant, raging desire for sex…much less wait for marriage.

Papua New Guinea is crazy diverse, with over 850 totally different societies in a country the size of California. The Biwat live deep in PNG’s rainforest and swamps, in tiny villages along the fertile banks of the Yuat River. The main crop is betel, a lovely little drug plant that gives a nice buzz, boosts energy, and enjoys a thriving market in towns. The Biwat themselves don’t use betel much. They have better things to do.

Though the men claim to want only virgins, young Biwat women polish their skin with oil, dress in their sexiest grass skirts, and are constantly cruising for new lovers—even after they are engaged to be married. See someone cute in his flying foxskin loincloth nicely decorated with shells? Getting to know him well enough for a roll in the woods takes about three seconds. As long as she’s even the slightest bit discreet, everyone happily ignores her little lapses.

Want to know which guy got lucky? Easy. Fresh bite wounds around the neck, ripped clothes, face and arms scratched and bleeding.

The Biwat easily explain a woman’s wild sexual antics: “Has she not a vulva?”


Sex Rules!

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