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Matching Mentor and Mentee


Some organisations set up formal schemes for mentoring; others encourage informal matching methods. Networking and word of mouth can lead to successful mentoring relationships. Suggested matching criteria are given in the table below:

Table 2.1 Matching criteria and the issues they raise.

Criteria Issue(s) raised
Power over mentee The power relationship between mentor and mentee should not be too close. The mentor should not be the mentee's line manager. A mentor more than two levels above the mentee constitutes a power distance in which the mentee may feel uncomfortable.
Compatibility between the needs of the mentee and experience of the mentor Most important criterion. Getting on ‘like a house on fire’ not necessarily desirable or effective. Harmony and ability to address the mentee's needs are both important.
Diversity issues, including age, gender, and ethnicity Identify relevant dimensions and express preferences on them.
An indication of interest The relationship needs sustained commitment over time, from both parties.
Geography and location Methods of contact (e.g. face‐to‐face, telephone, email). Regularity of contact. Agreements and sanctions (e.g. failure to attend).
Personality Avoid ‘impossible’ matches. Avoid matching very similar people.

Practical Applications of Coaching and Mentoring in Dentistry

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