Читать книгу Artificial Intelligence for Business - Jason L. Anderson - Страница 2


Table of Contents




CHAPTER 1: Introduction Case Study #1: FANUC Corporation Case Study #2: H&R Block Case Study #3: BlackRock, Inc. How to Get Started The Road Ahead Notes

CHAPTER 2: Ideation An Artificial Intelligence Primer Becoming an Innovation-Focused Organization Idea Bank Business Process Mapping Flowcharts, SOPs, and You Information Flows Coming Up with Ideas Value Analysis Sorting and Filtering Ranking, Categorizing, and Classifying Reviewing the Idea Bank Brainstorming and Chance Encounters AI Limitations Pitfalls Action Checklist Notes

CHAPTER 3: Defining the Project The What, Why, and How of a Project Plan The Components of a Project Plan Approaches to Break Down a Project Project Measurability Balanced Scorecard Building an AI Project Plan Pitfalls Action Checklist

CHAPTER 4: Data Curation and Governance Data Collection Leveraging the Power of Existing Systems The Role of a Data Scientist Feedback Loops Making Data Accessible Data Governance Are You Data Ready? Pitfalls Action Checklist Notes

CHAPTER 5: Prototyping Is There an Existing Solution? Employing vs. Contracting Talent Scrum Overview User Story Prioritization The Development Feedback Loop Designing the Prototype Technology Selection Cloud APIs and Microservices Internal APIs Pitfalls Action Checklist Notes

CHAPTER 6: Production Reusing the Prototype vs. Starting from a Clean Slate Continuous Integration Automated Testing Ensuring a Robust AI System Human Intervention in AI Systems Ensure Prototype Technology Scales Cloud Deployment Paradigms Cloud API's SLA Continuing the Feedback Loop Pitfalls Action Checklist Notes

10  CHAPTER 7: Thriving with an AI Lifecycle Incorporate User Feedback AI Systems Learn New Technology Quantifying Model Performance Updating and Reviewing the Idea Bank Knowledge Base Building a Model Library Contributing to Open Source Data Improvements With Great Power Comes Responsibility Pitfalls Action Checklist Notes

11  CHAPTER 8: Conclusion The Intelligent Business Model The Recap So What Are You Waiting For?

12  APPENDIX A: AI Experts AI Experts Chris Ackerson Jeff Bradford Nathan S. Robinson Evelyn Duesterwald Jill Nephew Rahul Akolkar Steven Flores

13  APPENDIX B: Roadmap Action Checklists Step 1: Ideation Step 2: Defining the Project Step 3: Data Curation and Governance Step 4: Prototyping Step 5: Production Thriving with an AI Lifecycle

14  APPENDIX C: Pitfalls to Avoid Step 1: Ideation Step 2: Defining the Project Step 3: Data Curation and Governance Step 4: Prototyping Step 5: Production Thriving with an AI Lifecycle

15  Index

16  End User License Agreement

List of Tables

1 Chapter 2TABLE 2.1 A sample idea bank

2 Chapter 5TABLE 5.1 Sample tech selection chatbot technologies

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 1FIGURE 1.1 Example of a FANUC RobotFIGURE 1.2 The AI Adoption Roadmap

2 Chapter 2FIGURE 2.1 The Standard Interpretation of the Turing TestFIGURE 2.2 A Neural Network with a Single NeuronFIGURE 2.3 A Fully Connected Neural Network with Multiple LayersFIGURE 2.4 A Venn Diagram Describing How Deep Learning Relates to AIFIGURE 2.5 An Enhanced Organizational ChartFIGURE 2.6 An Information Flow Before an AI SystemFIGURE 2.7 An Information Flow After an AI SystemFIGURE 2.8 A Sample Process FlowchartFIGURE 2.9 An Example Grouping of Ideas

3 Chapter 3FIGURE 3.1 The Design Thinking Process

4 Chapter 4FIGURE 4.1 Data Available for Training AI ModelsFIGURE 4.2 The Typical Data Science Flow

5 Chapter 5FIGURE 5.1 The Stages and Roles Involved with FeedbackFIGURE 5.2 A Logical Architecture for a Support ChatbotFIGURE 5.3 A Physical Architecture for a Support ChatbotFIGURE 5.4 Sample Catalog of AI Cloud Services from IBM

6 Chapter 6FIGURE 6.1 Promoting Application Code from Stage to ProductionFIGURE 6.2 Promoting a Model from Stage to ProductionFIGURE 6.3 Acceptance, Integration, and Unit TestingFIGURE 6.4 Sample Chatbot Architecture that Includes a Human in the LoopFIGURE 6.5 Example of a Workload that Exhibits Spikes

7 Chapter 7FIGURE 7.1 Sample Confusion Matrix for an Animal Classifier



2 Table of Contents

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Artificial Intelligence for Business

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