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Case Study #2: H&R Block


H&R Block is a U.S.-based company that specializes in tax preparation services. One of their customer satisfaction guarantees is to find the maximum number of tax deductions for each of their customers. Some deductions are straightforward, such as homeowners being able to deduct the mortgage interest on their primary residence. Other deductions, however, may be dependent on certain client-specific variables, such as the taxpayer's state of residence. Deduction complexity can then be further compounded by requiring multiple client-dependent variables to be considered simultaneously, such as a taxpayer with multiple sources of income who also has multiple personal deductions. The ultimate result is that maximizing deductions for a given customer can be difficult, even for a seasoned tax professional. H&R Block saw an opportunity to leverage AI to help their tax preparers optimize their service. In order to help facilitate the adoption process, H&R Block partnered with IBM to leverage their Watson capabilities.4

When a customer comes into H&R Block, the tax preparer engages them in a friendly discussion. “Have you experienced any life-changing events in the last year?,” “Have you purchased a home?,” and so on. As they talk, the tax preparer types relevant details of the conversation into their computer system to be used as reference later. If the customer mentions that they purchased a house last year, that will be an indicator that they may qualify for a mortgage interest deduction this year.

H&R Block saw the opportunity here to leverage the use of AI to compile, cross-reference, and analyze all of these notes. Natural language processing (NLP) can be applied to identify the core intent of each note, which then can be fed into the AI system to automatically identify possible deductions. The system then presents the tax professionals with any potentially relevant information to ensure that they do not miss any possible deductions. In the end, both tax professionals and their customers can enjoy an increased sense of confidence that every last applicable deduction was found.

Artificial Intelligence for Business

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