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Quick-Fix Dangers … but Not on This Program


The danger with the “I want to see my stomach muscles before tomorrow morning” type of approach to weight loss and looking good is that it usually involves a drastic unhealthy system that will, in the long run, cause the body’s metabolism to slow down so much that it will inevitably cause you to gain more weight when you eventually start eating normally again.

In 1983, diet “guru” Geoffrey Cannon wrote a book titled Dieting Makes You Fat. This is based on the theory that when your body is starved of all food and nutrients it goes into famine mode. And when the body is in famine mode, guess what it needs to hang on to most of all for its source of energy? Yep—FAT! Not only that but he also stated that the more that people go on a strict “where’s my food gone” type of diet, the more their bodies will protect the stores of fat, thus making it more difficult to lose weight the next time. In 1986, a study carried out on a group of rats showed that by the time they had gone through their second diet, the weight loss was half what it had been the first time—and the weight was put back on three times as fast!

This is why I’m very excited to bring you this program and why it’s been so, so successful and why it continues to be. Not only has it been carefully designed to nourish your body completely on a cellular level—meaning you will not be starving yourself—but I have also added the right psychology for success and a plan for the following weeks. This is to make sure you introduce the right foods gradually, so as not to shock your system, and I have also included a “guideline for life” plan that will allow your body to continue to lose weight (if required) and, more importantly, not put it back on.

No Brainer

This is where most “lose a few pounds” programs fall flat on their faces. They usually consist of a 7-, 14-, or 21-day super plan that is based on an unsound nutritional program, no mental preparation whatsoever (which I feel is the key above all else), and nowhere to go afterward. It tends to be a case of “You’ve done your seven days [or whatever], now go back to eating the same crap as you were before,” which makes very little sense. It is this approach that creates the whole diet merry-go-round.

The problem is not so much that people start to eat normally again after a detox/slim/health program, but more the problem lies in what their idea of “normal” is!

This is what bugs me about some dieticians and doctors. They group all “diets” together as one and say, “Once a person starts eating normally again after a ‘crash diet’ they will regain the weight they’ve lost—and much more on top.” But surely the problem arises with the use of the word “normally.” Wasn’t it their “normal” diet that made people who go on diets fat to start with? Surely that means that unless these people change their idea of what “normal” is they will always gain weight again—not because of the “diet” but because they go back to their “normal” amount and “normal” kind of food.

I have received thousands of e-mails from people from all over the world who have not only lost the initial 7 lbs but, because the book and the program in it helped change their mind-set, have gone on to lose all of their excess weight because the program became a lifestyle for them. In other words, they managed to change what their idea of “normal” was. Because they read the book, understood the message, and did the entire plan, they now eat “normally” all the time. When you do that, you keep the weight off. It’s only when you eat abnormally that you will become obese.

It will come as no surprise that I’m not into the “get slim quick” approach, and anyone who has read my first book, Slim For Life: Freedom from the Food Trap, or the best-selling The Juice Master: Turbo-Charge Your Life in 14 Days will know this already. I’m into lifestyle change, mind change, a change that lasts—no quick fixes to the detriment of future weight and health.

However, I’m also aware that people want to see results … FAST! And I’m also aware that sometimes quick results can create unbelievable momentum for people—momentum that can lead to amazing future success on the health and fitness front.

7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet

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