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Toni was in the next session with the doctor, and he wasted little time in asking her for any information she had.

“It seems to be accepted that Jo managed to get that far due to the noise from within. It can be…distracting.”

“How is she? Jo?”

Toni didn’t want to appear callous, but Jo wasn’t part of the Collective and so she struggled to care about her welfare. It probably seemed cruel to an outsider, but they were there to keep the body safe and functioning, not worry about the emotional state of the original, the one born into the body.

David continued prodding. “I was told there were repercussions, at the hands of Demise.”

“How did Trudi put it?” Toni thought about it for a moment, searching for the words Trudi used. “Something like, ‘Jo paid dearly for her transgressions.’”

David looked sadly at Toni. “I wish that wasn’t the case, Toni.”

“It’s a necessary evil, surely you know that?”

“Actually no, I don’t know that. Whilst I understand why it is done and I understand it is something the Collective believes is necessary, I don’t think violence is ever the answer.”

“With the struggle to understand how Jo managed to take things as far as she did, Demise punishing Jo may have been the only option. Maybe next time she will think twice before making such a foolish decision.”

“I understand that, yet there has to be another way of…” David waved his hands, trying to find the right words, “…controlling the Collective.”

“Firstly, I’m sure you are aware that Jo is not a member of the Collective. Secondly, why? Why does there have to be another way?”

“Controlling by fear? That is the answer?”

“It may not be perfect, but it works. It helps keep order within the Collective, stops us descending into anarchy.”

“And Jo? How badly did she get punished?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen her, as I said.”

“Toni, I know you haven’t seen her. Yet I also know you have ways of getting information that many of the others do not.”

“Are you trying to appeal to my sense of vanity?” Toni queried, her eyebrow raised in what could be only described as amusement.

David smiled ruefully, “Maybe. But it is the truth, isn’t it? Has Trudi or perhaps even Demise told you about how Jo is? Other than she ‘paid for her transgressions’?”

“Demise hasn’t said anything, but then I would not expect her to.”

David sighed. He enjoyed his talks with Toni. She often challenged him and he did not feel he had to tread as carefully as he did with some other members of the Collective. Her very limited range of emotions meant he had never known her to be afraid or scared. However, sometimes it was like pulling teeth. He certainly never got anywhere fast! He decided to try one more time, gripping that tooth a little harder.

“And Trudi? Has she said anything else? Maybe about how Jo is?”

Toni shifted in her seat a little. “I’m sure she’ll be ok.”

David wished he could make them understand that having one member acting violently towards others was not the answer. Yet he had tried countless times with numerous members, but they all said the same thing, more or less. They seemed to consider it, as Toni said, a necessary evil.

“I would like to spend more time with Jo. I spoke to Linda about it, but I can’t help Jo when I only see her once now and again and for only a few minutes.”

“I’m not sure I understand your interest in her. She is of little consequence to the Collective.”

David looked at Toni somewhat sadly and said “And yet you are all concerned that she very nearly took the physical life. I would say that makes her a matter of great consequence.”

Our Collective Life

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