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The Priest


One day while sitting in a diner waiting for a train, I notice a young priest. The diner is small and crowded. The man sitting on the stool next to me gets up and gives his place to the priest. Desperate for understanding, I am compelled to talk with him.

I confront the priest. I ask him which types of occurrences are considered religious experience. I relate my story, giving as much detail as I can fit into three cups of tea and a bagel.

I recall how the mental impressions of my dreaming create physical sensations. These sensations include my body growing more and more huge or dense, and the feeling of my spirit splitting through my skin.

I spoke of the Presence. Not of the sight or sound of it, but of the new perception acquired, like a new sense, to distinguish it. I also spoke of how the being or spirit depended on the acceptance of my will and curiosity to continue. I have to choose to accept communication, the communion.

I say to him, "I have found myself awake inside of dreams. I hear voices speaking profound verse. I am visited by beings. And, of course, there is the sound, the call..."

Angel's Eye

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