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I began to experience Astral Projection in March, 1978. It would happen very spontaneously, and I had the feeling that it emerged out of a deep love I felt separated from.

The first thing made known to me, in those unfamiliar states of consciousness, was that I was not alone. I experienced contact with supernal beings. They became my mentors and guided my journeys. Great joy and fear were instilled in me. I began to spend long hours meditating. I was trying to remember and induce the sensations of astral travel. The idea of communicating this way took hold of me. I realized this new talent was an evolution of mind, and if it was happening to me, it was also happening to others. I heard poetry being recited. I found myself reading books pertaining to the order of the universe and the history of the world. Sometimes there were no words, only visual impressions, clairvoyance, and the crystal clarity of being.

This collection is a chronicle of out of body experiences, by which I learned that there is a sacred order to creation and a true history of humanity. To survive and evolve, we must realize our origin and accept the responsibilities of creation.

Peace and prayers,

Jean Galliano

Angel's Eye

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