Читать книгу Inspirational Presence - Jeff Evans - Страница 6






Leadership from the inside out


How to use this book

Chapter 1—The Case for Inspiration

Inspirational Presence

Inspiration vs. Motivation

Leaders with Inspirational Presence

Leadership and the limbic system

Leadership and Authority

Questions to ask yourself

Chapter 2—Learning to Lead

Leadership Starts at home—Who are you and where are you going?

Managing yourself

The power of intention

The power of commitment

The power of saying yes

The power of saying no

The power of saying and

The power of empathy

The power of integration


Questions to ask yourself

Chapter 3—Commitment to Choice

People change because they choose to change

The Change Equation

Driving Dissatisfaction or Fostering Vision

Perception—What meets the eye

Psychological contract for change

Managing others

People choose what they will or won’t do

People choose their leaders

Questions to ask yourself

Chapter 4—Leading in Organizations; Transformational vs. Transactional leadership

A Tale of Two Leaders

The Change-Stability Dilemma

The Organizational Wheel

Transactional vs. Transformational Leadership

Five Competencies for Tranformational Change

Questions to ask yourself

Chapter 5—Vision: Envision a Compelling Future

Defining a Vision

Concurrent State of vision

The envision practice


Mental Management

Vision as a guide for today

How it looks in action—stories and Examples

Questions to ask yourself

Chapter 6—Action: Commit to the future

About this competency

Transformational Leaders in action

The Change Equation Revisited

Dynamics of Change

The Zone of Ambiguity

First Steps

Exit with Integrity

Acting as If

If there is no movement

Inspired action in action

How it looks in action—stories and Examples

Questions to ask yourself

Chapter 7—Aspiration: set High-Performance Goals

About this competency

Why High-Performance?

The Mechanics of Goal Setting

Set your Goal

Write it Down

Look for Obstacles

Plan for Expanded Action

Finding Inspiration in the Process

How it looks in action—stories and Examples

Questions to ask yourself

Chapter 8—Collaborati Enable Inspired Action through Teams

About this competency

Group Thinking

Self-Regulation toward a Goal

Team Leadership vs. Delegation

Commitment vs. Compliance

The impact of Organization

Organizing Principles for Work Systems: Determining your Work unit Structure

OP1: Role-Based (Traditional)

OP2: Product- or Process-Based Team

OP3: Value Based “Community”

Leadership Implications for Teams

How it looks in action—stories and Examples

Questions to ask yourself

Chapter 9—Presence: Exude Energy and Inspiration

About this competency

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders

Emotional Self-Awareness

Becoming Self-Aware

Spiritual Development for Leaders

How it looks in action—stories and Examples

Questions to ask yourself

Chapter 10—Leading Globally

Operating Globally

Establishing Rapport


Decision Strategies

Approach to authority

Building Communities of Global Collaboration

Avoiding Colonialism

Conclusion—Making it Real

See Yourself Clearly

Change Your Mind

Develop an Envision Practice

Commit to Change

Bonus Offer

About the Author

Praise for Inspirational Presence


Inspirational Presence

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