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Chapter Three

Thanksgiving Day, after driving ten miles north of town, Simon stared at the Zelinsky home. It was well kept and big. Cat had grown up in a nice place on an inland lake, with a large yard and plenty of trees to climb. She’d had everything a kid could ask for.

He hadn’t talked to Cat for nearly two days. She hadn’t stopped by the shop, but then the past couple of days had been cold and rainy. Not good days to take a little baby out.

He’d called last night to see if there was anything he should bring today, but Cat had told him not a thing. After hanging up, he’d prayed for direction, but Simon still felt adrift. With his troubled family background, how would he be able to relate to the Zelinsky clan? Even he and Cat barely knew each other. What mattered most was Opal’s welfare and that was why he was here. He wanted to see the rest of the family his daughter had been born into. The people who would have a role in raising her.

Simon made his way along the slate stonework walkway up to the front porch. Taking a deep breath, he rang the doorbell and waited.

He heard voices and laughter and then the door was opened by an older woman with classic features and blondish hair, which was pulled back tight. “You must be Simon.”

“I am. Thank you for inviting me.” He offered her his hand and smiled at the warmth shining from the woman’s eyes.

She accepted the handshake. “I’m Helen, Cat’s mom, and she’s right, that’s one great accent you have. Come in, please.” She stepped back to give him room to enter. She was about the same middling height as Cat.

He should have told her that she looked more like a sister, but he couldn’t get past the fact that Cat liked his accent. Having spent his late teens and most of his adult life living in London, he’d picked up a bit of how they spoke.

What else did Cat find agreeable?

“We’ve got the game on in the family room. Are you a fan of football?”

“I enjoy watching it, yes.” Simon grew up watching the Giants, having been born and raised in New York City.

He followed Cat’s mom from the large entrance area into a warm kitchen filled with tempting food aromas and family members huddled around a spread of snacks. The itchy feeling of being the odd man out hit quick and sure. Add that he was Opal’s father, and it made him the proverbial white elephant in the room.

Where was Cat?

“Cat’s feeding Opal. She’ll be down in a moment,” her mother answered as if reading his thoughts. “Simon, this is my husband, Andy.”

Simon stood straighter, but Cat’s father still towered over him. He extended his hand. “Good to meet you, sir.”

Cat’s father looked through him and Simon was certain the man found him lacking in every way possible as he accepted his hand. “Thank you for coming.”

“Your invitation was very kind.” Simon saw where Zach got his bearing. He glanced around the room again, wishing Cat would hurry.

Her mother was now busy in the kitchen with Zach’s wife and a tall blond man he’d met at church—also one of Cat’s brothers.

“We look forward to knowing you better,” Andy said.

Simon merely nodded. Too many layers in that statement to uncover each one now. He felt a strong urge to apologize, but the words evaded him. There wasn’t much that could be said to expunge what had happened between him and Cat.

Fortunately, Cat’s sister Monica scuffled toward him before he made a fool of himself trying to explain the unexplainable to Cat’s father.

“Hey, have you considered my website offer?” She too was quite tall. Cat came from a family of giants. “I can do an online catalog that’ll knock your socks off.”

“I’m closing up shop.”

Monica’s mouth dropped. “You are? Why? I thought you were doing well.”

“Yes, well—”

Cat’s father placed his hand on Simon’s shoulder. “Grab a plate and come watch the game. We’ll talk later.”

Simon didn’t mistake the hard look in Andy’s eyes. Cat’s father reduced him to an awkward teen in a matter of moments. He’d known from the start that coming here wasn’t going to be easy, but he hadn’t expected the tension to be quite this strong.

“Hello, Simon.” Cat breezed into the room, grabbed a carrot from one of the trays and popped it into her mouth.

“Where’s Opal?”

She pointed to the ceiling, still crunching. “Sleeping.”

“What if she wakes up? How will you know?”

“Baby monitor.” Cat pulled out what looked like a white walkie-talkie from the pocket of her long top.

She wore gray leggings with woolen socks. Her hair was up, but some of it fell around her face. He loved her hair like that. He wished they were alone. So many things remained unsettled between them. Unsettled in him.

“Have you met everyone?”

“Just your parents, when I arrived.”

“Grab a pop. That’s my brother Cam in the kitchen with my mom. They pretty much run the show with food prep and the rest of us clean up.”

Cam turned and gave him a nod. His hands were deep in a bowl of something.

Simon remembered that he’d seen Cam at the diner in town, as well as in church. Simon picked up a can of soda from an ice-filled tub and followed Cat down a few steps, where everyone was gathered to watch the game. A couple soft couches and chairs were filled, along with a rocking chair near the fireplace. A couple of Cat’s brothers lounged against large pillows on the floor, leaving only one two-seater couch open.

“Everyone, this is Simon Roberts.”

He nodded as Cat introduced everyone in the room. He’d likely not remember their names, but there was a strong family resemblance. Cat was one of ten kids, with four older brothers and three younger, as well as two younger sisters.

Simon sat next to her on the two-seater, with nothing to say.

Fortunately, he didn’t need to say anything, as Cat kept talking. “My brother Matthew is still on the lakes. He’s an officer on a Great Lakes freighter, but his wife and her two-year-old will join us for dessert later. Greg there is Rose’s son. She married Cam around this time last year.”

The teenager gave him a nod. His mother, a warm smile.

Simon had seen them both at the diner, as well. “You’ve a large family.”

“I do.” Cat leaned back.

Simon also sat back but didn’t relax. The warmth of the fire and conversation surrounded him as he was peppered with well-intentioned questions that he answered the best he could. These people were nice and well-adjusted, a far cry from the world he grew up in. It should have felt comfortable and welcoming—he could tell that was the atmosphere the whole family was trying to create. But instead, it just made him feel out of place.

The desire to bolt overwhelmed him, but the future of one tiny baby kept him seated. Opal slept without a peep from the baby monitor and Cat looked tired. He noticed her eyelids drooping as soon as the football game started.

The desire to make things better for her twisted deep inside, but there wasn’t much he could do. With his arm draped along the back of the loveseat, he whispered, “You can lean into me.”

“No, no. I’m fine.” Cat’s eyes met his.

Could she really lean on him, through all of this? He’d given her no reason to, announcing he was closing up shop and skipping town. Sure, he’d offered financial support but how could he give Cat something to truly lean on?

Looking around, he was tempted to foist his responsibility for Opal on these people. Cat had everything she’d need right here.

He’d never had a normal family life. What made him think he’d do any better for Opal than these people? He couldn’t, so was there any point in trying?

But what of his daughter? Uncles couldn’t take the place of a father and he was her father.

* * *

Cat tried to clear the fog from her brain. She rested against someone warm. Inhaling the subtle, spicy scent, she opened her eyes and blinked.

“You weren’t out long.” Simon’s voice was soft and deep and it rumbled through her. That voice of his was her undoing with its buttery half accent and slight lilt of words.

“Sorry.” She sat up fast and rubbed her cheek, still warm from where she’d leaned into his shoulder. The shirt he wore was soft flannel, yet the man managed to look fashionable even in that.

She heard her sister’s voice through the monitor. If Opal wasn’t awake, she would be soon. “I should check on the baby.”

He nodded.

She escaped, but not before she connected with her father’s concerned gaze. Remembering their argument the last time she was home, she could easily imagine his thoughts. He was thinking she should settle down with Simon because of Opal, but Cat wasn’t making any sudden moves. Not when she knew next to nothing about Simon, and he knew so little about her. Even if she wanted a relationship, would Simon be on board for that? He’d said he’d come back, but would he stick around?

She hurried for the stairs.

“Cat, why didn’t you tell me it was Simon!” Monica hissed as she came down the steps with Opal in her arms. “I have to admit he’s pretty hot for an older guy.”

Cat knew her sister was teasing by the way she smirked. It didn’t matter that Simon was older than Cat by more than a few years— Wait, she didn’t even know his age.

She reached for the baby. “Does she need to be changed?”

“I did it. Don’t try to change the subject. I think Mom’s a little surprised by his age too, and I think Dad’s going to give your man a talking-to.”

Cat felt her stomach drop yet again. Please, not today. “He’s not my man.”

“Give it time.” Monica grinned and carried Opal the rest of the way down the stairs with no moves toward giving her up.

Cat didn’t have time where Simon was concerned. He’d severed his lease on his jewelry store effective the first of the year. Would Opal change his mind? Could Cat? Did she even want to? The idea of his sticking around just because he felt obligated was horrible. She didn’t want him to feel like he was stuck with them—trapped into being part of a family he didn’t want and wouldn’t have chosen.

When Cat returned to the family room, her mother announced that dinner was ready. Her father had hit the pause button on the TV so they wouldn’t miss the rest of the game. He stood and stretched. “Let’s gather in the dining room.”

“Where’s Opal?” Simon asked.

“Monica has her.” Cat caught the quick flash of disappointment in his eyes, causing her stomach to twist.

He was forming an attachment to Opal. But was that good or bad? Even though she didn’t want him feeling trapped, she also didn’t want Simon going back to his old globe-trotting routine. Was there any kind of middle ground? A way he could be part of their lives on a regular basis, without giving up the life that he’d chosen for himself?

Standing in the dining room, Cat watched as her family gathered around the huge table set with Grandma Zelinsky’s fine china and crystal goblets. Covered dishes were strategically placed down the middle, but the luscious aroma of turkey gravy and sage stuffing escaped, making her mouth water. It had been a long time since she’d been home for Thanksgiving. She waited for everyone to slip into their usual seats and a lump caught in her throat. This was home, loud and loving and terribly bittersweet.

“Here, you two sit at this end so we can tuck Opal in her bouncer out of the way of traffic.” As usual, her mom had everything under control, even seating.

Monica handed Cat the baby.

Simon reached to take the elevated bouncy seat from her mom and positioned it between their chairs. He looked it over while she buckled Opal in. “She won’t tip?”

“It’s solid.” Cat looked away so Simon wouldn’t catch her irritation with him questioning her choice. She’d read countless reviews on the item before purchasing it, making sure it was sound and safe for Opal.

“Let’s say grace.” Her father, at the other end, reached out to hold the hands of her mom on one side and Cam on the other.

Cat clenched her teeth as she reached for Simon’s hand.

His thumb brushed over hers, distracting her from the rote prayer she knew by heart. She stared at their clasped hands, remembering the gentle way he’d touched her on their one night together. The way he’d held her. She’d been half-frozen from the cold rain, but his touch had been so warm.

“Amen.” Simon lifted his head.

Had he thought about her at all?

Cat pulled her hand away, grateful for the increased noise of chatter and the clatter of serving dishes being passed. She glanced at Simon and nearly laughed at the shocked look upon his face. “Crazy, I know, but this is home.”

“Worse than chow time at some mining camps I’ve been in.” He accepted the tray of turkey and offered to fill her plate before his. “White or dark?”

“A little of both, please.” Her mother had always made two turkeys so there would be plenty of leftovers. She watched as Simon served her before choosing an ample portion for himself.

“What about Opal, when will she eat solid food?”

Cat’s head spun. Thinking back to when her youngest sister Erin and brother Luke were babies, she couldn’t remember when they started eating solids. “Honestly, I’m not sure.”

Simon stared at her as if she should know these things by heart. “I bought a book.”

“A book?”

“About the steps of childhood development over the first year. I purchased it at the local bookstore a couple of stores down from me.”

Cat stared at him. Why would he do that? Was he thinking about giving more than financial support?

“What?” His dark eyes looked warm and sweet.

Now wasn’t the time to discuss anything in depth, but she had to know. “Why’d you buy that?”

He shrugged. “Honestly, I’m not sure.”

Cat looked away and connected with her father’s piercing gaze.

Dad’s going to give your man a talking-to.

She didn’t want her father or Zach making demands on Simon that they had no right to make. She and Simon were too old for her father to pull out the proverbial shotgun, yet that was exactly what he looked like he might do.

* * *

After dinner and cleanup, Cat’s family gathered in the family room once again for the remainder of the football game. Simon held Opal in the rocking chair near the fireplace, glad for some distance from Cat. The woman’s nearness made his head spin. Not at all a good thing, especially when it made him question everything he’d decided about his future.

He’d put plans in place that were hard to change. Namely, a gem hunt in January for a high-end investor. He couldn’t exactly back out and keep his reputation solid. He needed this for future income. Bottom line, he didn’t want to back out. He loved gem hunting. It was his life—always had been.

He gazed at his daughter’s pretty little face as he cradled her in his arms. Holding her might not have been the best idea. He’d used rocking her as a shield against Cat and her family and all that small talk. He wasn’t part of the jokes they shared as they loaded the fridge with leftovers and the dishwasher with dirty dishes. He didn’t want to be part of them, but using Opal as an excuse for distance had backfired. He’d climbed from one hot pan into another because this baby pulled hard on the heartstrings. This precious little bundle was sinking her sweet little brown-eyed hooks into him fast.

Opal blew bubbles and cooed and kicked her legs. He reached for her hand, amazed at the baby’s grip. “You’re a strong one.”

She gurgled back.

He spotted Cat in the kitchen, talking with one of her sisters-in-law who held a large boy of her own. The child fought to keep his eyes open. Cat’s sisters were busy placing pies on the counter and making coffee.

The Lions were down by seventeen, so the game had lost some of its appeal. Simon glanced around the room. Cat’s younger brothers were sprawled on the floor, sleeping. Even Andy Zelinsky, sitting in a recliner, had closed his eyes. Zach did too, with his wife, Ginger, cuddled into him.

What was he even doing here?

Anger he hadn’t felt in years roared to life. This was what a family was supposed to be, was supposed to have—a warm holiday meal, served with comfortable trust. No drama, no sirens and no TV dinners. The absence of all of this from his own childhood left him with a bitter taste in his mouth that no amount of pie they served could dislodge.

Part of him wanted to make a scene, to vent some of his anger. But that wouldn’t be fair to the people here, who’d been nothing but welcoming. And it wouldn’t be fair to Opal, who deserved exactly this type of wonderful family occasion. Days like this were things he didn’t want Opal to miss.

Would she grow up missing him?

His gut twisted. If he wasn’t careful, he’d miss her.

Simon stopped rocking. Buying that book had only confirmed that he didn’t have what it took to take care of a baby. One day, he might be of more value than financial child support, but that wasn’t now. Cat had a fine support system in her family right here. She wouldn’t be raising Opal alone.

He carefully stood and crossed the expanse of floor toward Cat.

“Want me to take her?” Cat asked.

“Please. It’s late. I’d better get going.” He wanted out.

“But you haven’t had dessert.” Cat’s sister-in-law balanced her boy on her hip.

“Some other time.” Simon couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

Cat’s mom stepped forward and took Opal. “Thank you for coming, Simon. Cat will walk you out.”

Cat looked hesitant but nodded. “Yeah, sure.”

“Thank you for dinner.” He should have said his goodbyes to the rest of the family, to Cat’s father, but they were sleeping.

At the door, Simon silently donned his coat while Cat slipped into hers and then pulled on a pair of boots. She followed him outside.

The air was crisp with an icy bite to it, but Simon breathed deeply, letting his thoughts settle down. The sun had long since set, leaving behind only remnants of light showing from beneath the dark clouds clustered on the horizon.

“I’ll walk you to your car,” Cat offered.

“It’s cold. You needn’t.”

“It’s okay. I wanted to ask you something, anyway.” She looked a little nervous.

That made him want to bolt even faster, but he kept his pace even next to Cat’s. “Something on your mind?”

Cat pulled the collar of her coat closer. “Yes. You don’t have to give me an answer right away, just think about it.”

“What’s that?” They were near his car now.

“What if you kept your shop open?”

“I’m committed in January to an investor to buy rubies and tourmaline in Mozambique. It could very well turn into something long-term.”

Cat took a deep breath and let it out. “What if I managed your shop for you while you were away?”

He looked at her. “Why would you want to?”

“I gave my notice at the magazine before coming home and I need a job. One that’s local.”

Holiday Baby

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