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1.5 Five really great things about a personal history business


Here are five wonderful things about personal history businesses:

• The personal history business has very low overhead.

• Your office can be anywhere in the world. This is a highly mobile profession. It’s entirely possible to spend a few months in the sun belt helping snowbirds with their memoir projects.

• The work is soul-satisfying, important, and has a lot of variety. I love the thought of the narrator’s great-grandchild taking a book from his or her bookshelf and reading about an ancestor’s life and times. Helping preserve something so enduring, and historically important that it becomes a family treasure … you can’t ask for a better way to make a living.

• There are few barriers. Starting and running a personal history business doesn’t require formal education or training. This book is as complete a source as you will find. Experience is the best teacher and the skills required can be learned: interviewing, writing, editing, marketing and sales, etc. Anyone willing to learn and work hard can have their personal history business up and running within three months.

• You are on the cusp of an industry that’s still young and has limitless potential. Now is the time to establish yourself as an expert and “catch the wave.”

Start & Run a Personal History Business

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