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1. The Entrepreneurial Attitude: Are You a Pair of Hands or a Visionary?


The first thing you need to decide is whether you want to find some jobs that pay the bills or whether you’re starting a business. What’s the difference? It’s mainly one of attitude.

On one end of the work spectrum is the “pair of hands.” These people are willing to follow directions and execute the vision of someone else. They don’t want the responsibility or the risk of running their own business; they can forget about work at the end of the shift. Is this you? Are you satisfied to get paid for a job knowing that the person paying you is probably making money off your efforts? There’s nothing wrong with that, but that’s not the mindset of an entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurs want to be in control of their financial future. They want to reap the rewards of their own work and are willing to commit to making their dreams come true. They have a vision of what the business could be in a year or two or five, and they accept that they’ll have to do a lot of grunt work and learn all aspects of running a business. They tend to be leaders. They have enough confidence in their abilities and their products to patiently but assertively build a clientele, and carve out a lucrative niche for themselves in the marketplace.

One more word about attitude: There’s a big difference between wanting something and making it happen. Ideas are a dime a dozen. They are meaningless without action. Turn your ideas and your dreams into reality by setting real, attainable goals for yourself and your business. What do you want out of life? What do you want out of your work? Go out and get it.

Start & Run a Personal History Business

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