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2.4d Don’t bore people!


Personal history is a fascinating field, and most people will love hearing about your work. But catch yourself if you find you’re talking too much about it. You will probably get a little obsessive. After all, it is fascinating, you’ve invested a great deal of time and effort, and you’re probably emotionally tied to it. It’s your baby! But … you know the stereotypical grandmother who pulls out 40 pictures of her grandchildren and tells you about every one of their dance recitals or hockey games? Or the bore at the party who goes on and on about the boss and coworkers you don’t even know? Don’t expect everyone to be enthralled with your new venture. People may not have the slightest interest in it, as impossible as that might seem to you. You might find even your closest friends don’t take your business seriously and treat it as another one of your hobbies or passing interests. Compartmentalize. You’ll soon get to know who you can talk “shop” with, and remember, it’s a two-way street. Show interest in other people’s businesses and they’ll probably do the same for you.

Start & Run a Personal History Business

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