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2.1c Join a memoir-writing group or take a workshop


Check local institutions such as the library, university, or college to see if they offer memoir-writing classes. You might also find local groups that get together to offer support and feedback. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of memoir-writing retreats, online courses, and distance education opportunities that will coach you in the art and craft of memoir writing. “But wait,” you say, “I don’t want to write my own memoir!” To which I say, “How can you help other people tell their life stories or write their memoirs if you haven’t experienced it yourself?” It will be enormously valuable to your work helping others, plus you’ll have your life story documented for all time.

Also, if you plan to teach or lead memoir-writing classes or workshops, you’ll definitely want to take one yourself to see how the instructor taught the material, what worked and what didn’t, what you’d do differently, and what you can emulate in your own courses. (More on leading workshops in Chapter 15.)

Start & Run a Personal History Business

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