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I owe enormous gratitude to many people for their assistance and support as I wrote this third edition and earlier versions of this book. Special thanks go to Rachel McQuail, who provided outstanding research and editorial assistance throughout the project. Thanks are also due to Taarini Chopra, Brittney Martin, Tomas Szuchewycz, and Linda Swanston who provided invaluable research assistance on earlier editions. For very helpful discussion of ideas and positive encouragement during the course of writing and revising this and previous editions, I am also grateful to Kim Burnett, Andrea Collins, Peter Dauvergne, Andres Garcia, Matt Gaudreau, Derek Hall, Eric Helleiner, Lucy Hinton, Ryan Isakson, Genevieve LeBaron, Sarah J. Martin, Sophia Murphy, Navin Ramankutty, Sarah-Louise Ruder, Theresa Schumilas, Caitlin Scott, Steffanie Scott, Gyorgy Scrinis, Phoebe Stephens, Helena Shilomboleni, Boyd Swinburn, Beth Timmers, Wesley Tourangeau, Tim Wise, and Hannah Wittman. I am grateful to the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability at the University of Waterloo, and the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of British Columbia, for providing infrastructural support as I completed this most recent edition. My children, Zoe and Nels, and my partner, Eric, deserve a medal for listening to me go on about the world food economy at the dinner table and for putting up with me while I worked long hours to complete this book. I would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive and insightful feedback and suggestions on this and previous editions. For their enthusiasm and for shepherding this project through the publications process, I am grateful to Louise Knight, Inès Boxman, and Susan Beer at Polity Press. And last, but not least, I also owe thanks to all of my “foodie” students for their inspiration over the years – the ideas we discussed in the various versions of food and agriculture-related courses I taught at both Trent University and the University of Waterloo over the past two decades have had immeasurable influence on my thinking and analysis on this topic. I take sole responsibility for any errors or omissions.

Waterloo, Ontario


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