Читать книгу The Cradle of All Worlds - Jeremy Lachlan - Страница 13



My sleep’s usually riddled with nightmares. Flashes of babies crying, strangers running from monsters, never-ending stone corridors and a blinding white light. Most of the time it’s just me, drowning in a faraway sea. No wonder Violet thinks I’m scared of the dark. I always wake up screaming, twisted in my sweaty sheets. This, though – actually being knocked unconscious – ain’t too shabby at all, like being wrapped in a thick, warm blanket. A floating cocoon where no bad dream can touch you. A safe place, deeper than normal sleep.

Only problem is you have to wake up.

‘I was surprised to get your message.’ A deep voice tugs at my ears. ‘Capturing her after all these years. Throwing her inside this thing. Quite the change of character, Robin.’

‘Perhaps.’ An old and scratchy voice. Her voice. ‘But I have my reasons.’

‘So you keep saying. You have not, however, told me what those reasons are. Nothing is ever this simple with you. You haven’t set foot on a boat in years. How did you know she was going to end up in the water? You cannot tell me it was mere coincidence.’

‘Of course it was no coincidence. There is no such thing.’

‘Then how –’

‘You have waited fourteen years for this moment, Eric. I am surprised you are asking any questions at all. I have handed over the girl. She is no longer under my protection.’

A moment of silence.

‘You know what this means, Robin. What you’re giving me permission to do. You may have struck a deal with my predecessor, but I won’t stand for it. Breaking curfew, wandering the streets, knocking on my door, bold as brass. Attacking an innocent group of people – attacking my own son. And another quake – today of all days – hours before the Lament? They’re getting worse. We all know it. We cannot live like this. We won’t.’

‘Like I said, I can protect her no more.’

‘And what of the other?’

‘His time will come soon enough. Leave him be. Now, if you please, Ms Doe is about to wake up. I would like a quick word with her alone.’

‘You think you can tell me –’

‘I know I can tell you, Eric. Out. Don’t even think about listening at the door. After I am through with Jane you may do what you wish, but until then I want absolute privacy.’

I don’t like the sound of this, but she’s right about one thing. My cocoon’s unravelling, slowly spinning me through the dark. A door slams shut. My eyes blink open. Shapes blur, senses sharpen. It’s time to face the waking world again, whether I like it or not.

The Cradle of All Worlds

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