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Acknowledgments and Notes on the Translation

THIS TRANSLATION OF Jerzy Andrzejewski’s Holy Week began as a group project in an advanced Polish language course at the University of Pittsburgh. Class members Daniel M. Pennell, Anna M. Poukish, and Matthew J. Russin contributed to the translation; the instructor, Oscar E. Swan, was responsible for the overall accuracy and stylistic unity of the translation as well as for the biographical and critical notes and essays.

Polish first names are preserved in the form in which they appear in the text (whether Anna or Ania, Józef, Józek, or Józio, for example). The last names of female characters, normally ending in -ska, -cka, are given as -ski, -cki when preceded by titles, otherwise as -ska, -cka; hence Mrs. Piotrowski, but Piotrowska, both referring to the same person. For the most part, place names have not been anglicized, except for Warsaw, the Vistula River, and occasional other instances where straightforward English translations suggest themselves, for example, Savior Square for Plac Zbawiciela, or Saxon Garden for Ogród Saski. The translators identified a number of instances where they felt commentary was needed for greater clarity, and it is given in ordered notes, gathered at the end of the volume.

Thanks are due to Andrzej Wajda for permitting the illustration of this work with stills from his 1996 film Wielki Tydzień. Julie Draskoczy and Helena Goscilo at the University of Pittsburgh commented helpfully on the translation, as did the editors at Ohio University Press. Ricky S. Huard, project editor at Ohio University Press, deserves credit as a virtual second translator. Facts concerning Jerzy Andrzejewski’s life are based primarily on Andrzejewski by Anna Synoradzka (Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1997). The photograph of Andrzejewski was provided by the Muzeum Literatury in Warsaw.

Jerzy Andrzejewski. Photo courtesy of Muzeum Literatury, Warsaw

Holy Week

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