Читать книгу Academic Moves for College and Career Readiness, Grades 6-12 - Jim Burke - Страница 5

CONTENTS with list of student samples


Introduction: The Language of Learning


1. Analyze • Analytical Essay (Spencer, ELA, Faulkner acceptance speech) • Visual Text (Gaby, ELA, Pride and Prejudice movie scene)

2. Argue • Argumentative Essay (Anton, ELA/SS, Should individuals violate unjust laws?) • Class Discussion (Sam, GS, North Korea six-party talks reflection)

3. Compare/Contrast • Analytical Essay (Peter, ELA, Herland essay) • Informational Writing for History (John, SS, Colonialism essay)

4. Describe • Narrative Writing (Emily, ELA, Narrative description—visiting a relative) • Journalism (Catherine and Ansley, ELA, Article on food banks) • Science (Josephine, ELA and Science, Food preservative science description)

5. Determine • Dialectical Journal (Clare, ELA, Gatsby journal) • Poetry (Clare, ELA, Gatsby poem) • Word Meanings (Grace, ELA and Science, Perfume etymology for science project)

6. Develop • Analytical Essay (Carter, ELA, Romeo and Juliet group assignment and essay) • Engineering and Design (Kaitlin and Riley, Science and Engineering, Designing an African hand washing station)

7. Evaluate • Letter (Samantha, ELA, Letter to John Green) • Sudoku Puzzle (Damon and Cameron, Math, Puzzle as math process)

10 8. Explain • Math Discussion (Gabriel, Math, Teaching fellow students) • Personal Essay (Ali, ELA, Personal essay) • Math Writing (Zoe and Caleb, Math, Explaining solution to Rubik’s Cube problem)

11 9. Imagine • Science Project (Elizabeth, NGS, Robot project) • Narrative Writing (Emilio, ELA, Dystopian class project)

12 10. Integrate • Informational Writing (Claire, ELA and WH, JFK’s Cuban Missile Crisis speech) • Informational Document-Based Question (Max, SS, DBQ on industrialization)

13 11. Interpret • Analytical Essay (Justin, ELA, Interpretation of a graphic novel) • Interpreting a Data Set (David, Science/Math, Graph on China’s economic growth)

14 12. Organize • Analytical Essay (Gaby, ELA, Hamlet quest for justice) • Science Writing (Quinn, ELA and Science, water quality and sources)

15 13. Summarize • Main Ideas (Cody, ELA, Billy Collins poem paraphrase) • Speech (Ansley, SS, Model UN summary speech)

16 14. Support • Analytical Essay (Landon, ELA, Blake poetry paper) • Science Writing (Micca, Science, Evidence from observations)

17 15. Transform • Poetry (Katy, ELA, Poetry based on a work of art) • Transforming Data (Madison and Quinn, Science, Measuring and comparing wingspans)

18  Appendices I. The Other Words II. Academic Writing Moves III. Working With the Words Across Disciplines IV. Academic Moves: Etymology V. Teaching by Design Using Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Model VI. Standards Correlation Chart (Texas, Florida, Indiana, and Virginia) VII. Anchor Charts VIII. Graphic Organizers

19  Glossary

20  Index


Academic Moves for College and Career Readiness, Grades 6-12

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