Читать книгу The California ELD Standards Companion, Grades 6-8 - Jim Burke - Страница 20
ОглавлениеGist: Students have extended conversations with classmates and adults, follow norms for discussion, build on one another’s ideas, and ask and answer relevant questions.
6 They also consider:Do I cite evidence in what I say?Do I let others know when I agree with them, often by building on their response?Do I give others useful feedback about their responses?
7 They also consider:Do I cite evidence in what I say?Do I let others know when I agree with them, often by building on their response?Do I give others useful feedback about their responses?
8 They also consider:Do I cite evidence in what I say?Do I let others know when I agree with them, often by building on their response?Do I give others useful feedback about their responses?
Source: California English Language Development Standards for Grades K–12, California Department of Education, 2012.
CCSS ELA Standards Related to Standard 1 Exchanging information and ideas
Source: Common Core State Standards, K–12 English Language Arts (2010).