Читать книгу The California ELD Standards Companion, Grades 6-8 - Jim Burke - Страница 22

Tips for Differentiation by Proficiency Level


 Emerging—Small groups are given a familiar text that has been read several times and practice exchanging ideas about it. Students use sentence frames such as “I think because . . .” or “I believe because. . . .”

 Expanding—In pairs, students summarize and create questions about a familiar text and share their ideas using sentence frames, including “The most important part of the text is ______ because ______” and “Which events could have happened?”

 Bridging—In groups of four, students practice all four reciprocal teaching roles—summarizing, questioning, predicting, and connecting—with sentence frame starters to begin conversations about a familiar text.

Source: 2014 ELA/ELD Framework, p. 558.

The California ELD Standards Companion, Grades 6-8

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