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Grades 6–8 Interacting in Meaningful Ways Collaborative Standard 2


What the Teacher Does

In Grade 6, expectations for students’ writing content, skills, and strategies build on those in Grade 5 while expanding in specific ways. Most notable is the move from writing opinion pieces in Grade 5 to writing arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence in Grade 6 (W.6.1). In addition, students use credible sources in writing arguments and organize their claims and evidence clearly. Students continue to write informative/explanatory texts; however, the way in which students select, organize, and analyze relevant content when writing is more specific and advanced (W.6.2) and for the first time includes a thesis statement. Students also continue to write narrative texts, which now contain relevant descriptive details and well-structured event sequences (W.6.3).

 Just as students in this grade span are expected to have more frequent and sophisticated academic conversations, so are they expected to practice their writing with ample time allotted across content areas. ELLs in particular need scaffolded writing experiences whereby they are explicitly taught the purpose, organizational structure, and linguistic features associated with the genres of writing expected. One way to do this is by modeling the writing process through joint construction, which includes writing with students (see Snapshot 6.1).

The California ELD Standards Companion, Grades 6-8

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