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 Gist: Students collaborate with peers through written exchanges and on written texts, using technology as appropriate.

 6 They also consider:Do I know how to be part of extended written exchanges with my peers?Can we write complex informational and literary texts on a variety of topics?

 7 They also consider:Do I know how to be part of extended written exchanges with my peers?Can we write complex informational and literary texts on a variety of topics?

 8 They also consider:Do I know how to be part of extended written exchanges with my peers?Can we write complex informational and literary texts on a variety of topics?

Source: California English-Language Development Standards for Grades K–12, California Department of Education, 2012.

CCSS ELA Standards Related to Standard 2 Interacting via written English

In addition to the ELA Speaking and Listening and Language standards provided in this chart, ELD Standard 2: Interacting via written English is also correlated with ELA Writing Standards 6.6, 7.6, and 8.6 and CCSS Writing History and Science Standards 6.6, 7.6, and 8.6.

Source: Common Core State Standards, K–12 English Language Arts (2010).

The California ELD Standards Companion, Grades 6-8

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