Читать книгу Barry Loser and the Holiday of Doom - Jim Smith - Страница 10


‘W-what is THAT?’ I stuttered. The whole time I’d known Bunky I’d never seen him even look at a book, and now he was carrying a PINK one with a picture of a KITTEN on it.

‘Weird, isn’t it!’ chuckled Nancy, prodding Bunky like she was checking to see if he was real. ‘It’s not HIS, of course.’ She slid the book out from under Bunky’s arm and put it down on her desk.

‘He said he wanted to carry it for me. I honestly don’t know what’s got into him recently!’ she smiled.

‘Nothing’s got into me, I’m just being well behaved so I get a sticker!’ said Bunky, scratching Nancy’s mushroom one and sniffing his finger. He grinned at Nancy, and his eyes scrinched up into two little upside-down grins as well.

I was just about to tell him to wipe all three of his loserish grins off his face, when Miss Spivak started calling out the register.

I always get nervous waiting to hear my name being called out, and in the panic I forgot all about Bunky carrying the book.

‘I’M HE-ERE!’ I shouted when Miss Spivak finally said my name, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

To celebrate it being over, I thought I’d tell Bunky and Nancy the good news about Plonkton.

‘Psst, Bunky! I’ve got the keelest news ever!’ I whispered-shouted into his ear, and I waited for him to say, ‘WHAT IS IT?’ all excitedly, his nose wagging like a dog’s tail.

‘LOSER!’ shouted Miss Spivak, putting her finger up to her lips. ‘Don’t make me lose my rag!’

‘Oh yeah, sorry!’ I whispered, remembering how we were all supposed to be being good boys and girls, what with the scratch-and-sniff stickers and everything.

I squeezed my lips together as tightly as possible and crossed my arms, trying to be the best little Barry I could.

I really really wanted a scratch-and-sniff sticker, and it’s not like I couldn’t wait till break to tell Bunky and Nancy they were coming to Plonkton.

Except I comperleeterly couldn’t.

Barry Loser and the Holiday of Doom

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