Читать книгу Straight from The Onion Vine Book 2 Turnaround - Jody Scottsmith - Страница 3



Kara followed the blended aromas of coffee and Mom’s carrot cake into the kitchen. She sat down and put her phone on the table in front of her. Here eyes were drawn to Mom, busy putting cake on each plate. She added mugs and silverware to the tray, moving with quick hands. Kara was sure her efficiency was from years as a nurse. On a whim she put her hands over her eyes, so she couldn’t see her.

Mom looked over her glasses at Kara. “You were a year old the last time we played peek-a-boo,” she observed, filling the carafe with coffee.

Kara quickly took her hands down. “I was trying to think what it’d be like…if you weren’t in the picture.” She raised her voice to sound less foolish. “You know, like Suzanne and Scott.”

“Don’t forget Annie,” Mom added. “Her mother’s around, but she doesn’t spend time with her. Maybe that’s changed. We haven’t seen her for awhile.”

“I saw Annie at school last week. She almost ran into me and finally said ‘hi’. I asked her over, but she’s busy with her NEW friends.”

Kara jumped when her phone vibrated. It was the text she was waiting for. “Mom…they’re on their way,” Kara informed, starting to panic.

“Quit worrying!” Mom reassured. “I’m sure her dad has no idea how much Suzanne thinks about her mother. Speaking of dads, I almost forgot.”

Mom reached in her purse and took out an envelope, handing it to Kara. Inside was a check; Kara just stared at it, her eyes getting bigger and bigger.

“Wow…five hundred dollars!”

She held the check closer, Dave’s signature got her attention as much as the amount. Where had she seen it, before?

“It won’t even cover a semester…”

“I get it, Mom,” Kara said with more attitude than intended.

She froze at the sound of the door bell. Mom held her hand out for the check. “I’m putting it in your college fund.”

Kara took one last look at Dave’s handwriting before giving it back.

“You get the door and I’ll bring the tray in,” Mom instructed.

Kara walked through the hallway to the door, feeling like she was moving in slo-mo. Her thoughts returned to the Lakewood’s parking lot, and Scott’s Chem book. She pictured the postcard…

Kara reached for the doornob, focusing on how important tonight was for Suzanne. She opened the door. Jeff stood next to Suzanne with a hand on her shoulder. She smiled and stepped back to let them inside.

“You must be Kara,” he said, flashing a smile as he shook her hand. Even in jeans Jeff had a military presence. Mom put the tray on the coffee table and joined them, introducing herself as Joan. They sat down on opposite couches and Mom poured coffee for everyone.

“So Kara, Suzanne tells me you asked her to have lunch her first day at Lakewood,” Jeff began. “I went to school there, I don’t remember it being all that friendly.”

“It could be,” Suzanne said, “with more Kara’s around.”

“I’d like to hear about Neil,” he continued. “His name keeps coming up.”

“They all go to The Student Union together,” Mom spoke up.

“Of course, like friends…I get it,” Jeff said, giving Suzanne a little wink.

“You still call it The Onion?”

Everyone nodded and finished their carrot cake. Mom managed to catch Jeff’s eye.

“There is something Suzanne wants to ask you.”

Suzanne gave Kara a wide-eyed ‘what now’ look. She answered with a reassuring nod.

He put his coffee down and stretched an arm on the couch behind her.

Her voice was shaky from the start. “You’ve been such a great dad.

That’s why this is so hard.”

Jeff took her hand, waiting. Kara could see he would do anything for her. It was painful to watch Suzanne’s eyes fill with tears.

Straight from The Onion Vine  Book 2  Turnaround

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