Читать книгу Straight from The Onion Vine Book 2 Turnaround - Jody Scottsmith - Страница 6



They stayed at Ricardo’s as long as possible. To stall for time Mom ordered them a bagel to split. Suzanne didn’t give away more of how she felt. Kara knew she was keeping it inside, until she got home.

“Don’t forget about The Onion,” Kara reminded her as they got up to leave.

“I can’t go…not after this,” Suzanne explained. “Please tell Neil. I don’t care if he knows, I just can’t talk about it, right now.”

“Here’s my phone…text him,” Kara suggested.

Suzanne teared up and gave it back.

Kara finally agreed to call Neil and let him know about tonight. When they dropped her off Kara watched her go inside. On the way home all she could picture was Suzanne in her room, crying.

“You were right Mom,” Kara confessed, when they were in the kitchen. “The three of us needed to talk about this, first. I was sure how Suzanne felt, but not Eleanor. All I wanted was for her to know what it’s like to have a mom.”

“No one knew this would happen,” Mom comforted, giving her a hug. “I wanted Eleanor to know what a great daughter she has.”

“There must be something we can do,” Kara urged. She knew when to be quiet and let Mom think. She took her time putting some water on for tea. Before getting their mugs out, she suddenly sat down at the table; Kara did the same.

“Give Neil a call,” Mom began. “You have to tell him about tonight, anyway. Fill him in on what happened and see what he has to say. Scott’s next…the three of you should come up with a way to help Suzanne. Maybe get her out, somewhere.”

Kara called Scott first, since he knew they were going to Casa today.

“Hey, what’s up?” He asked.

“I told you about Suzanne’s mom, Eleanor. We went to the half-way house where she lives, just to get a look at it. When Mom pulled in front of Casa, Suzanne got out of the car and went inside. Of course we followed. Someone asked if she needed help, so Suzanne asked if Eleanor was there.”

Kara paused, reliving the pain of what was next. “Eleanor came downstairs, looked at Suzanne and said, ‘I knew you’d come back’. Then she practically ignored us to get a cup of coffee! The Desk Lady wanted Suzanne’s number so I gave it to her. We stopped at Ricardo’s on the way home and got her to talk some. Now she’s home crying her eyes out.”

“Her grandparents have not idea, right?” Scott surmised.

“No, they don’t. I can’t stand the thought of her by herself,” Kara admitted in a shaky voice. “Mom thought we could come up with a way to get her out, but where?”

“The Onion’s too crowded on a Saturday. How about Cedardale? Dad can make reservations; I’ll call him right now.”

“I have to let Neil know Suzanne won’t be at The Onion.”

“He’s good at this. Ask him what you can say…to make her want to go. Tell him I’ll pick him up at seven. We’ll meet you at Suzanne’s.”

“I still don’t know exactly what to do,” Kara questioned, already stressed.

“Mom can help with that; see you around seven-thirty.”

After Scott hung up she stared at her phone. Kara looked at the time; there wasn’t a moment to waste. She speed-dialed Neil, telling him what happened with Suzanne and what Scott said. There was a pause, then he told her to get ready. He’d text her and Scott his plan.

The warmth of the shower was soothing enough to clear her mind for a sec. She wrapped her hair in a towel and searched her closet, waiting for the text. Her phone soon beeped with Neil’s ‘plan’. It was a list of logical steps, down to what she should wear. Kara tore through her closet looking for the right sweater and skirt and put them on. She faced the full-length mirror.

“Neil’s right,” Kara agreed. “I’m more convincing dressed like this, instead of jeans.”

She raced downstairs to find Mom.

She was in the kitchen, finishing a crossword puzzle. She looked over her glasses at Kara.

“You look nice to be on your way to a fire,” she observed, referring to

her hurried manner.

“Mom…you have to call Suzanne’s grandparents,” she blurted.

“Sure…and say what?”

“Tell them Scott’s dad is giving him a birthday party at Cedardale…it’s a

surprise. I’ll tell Suzanne more when I get there, and help her get ready.”

Mom reached for the phone and called the grandmother. Kara saw Mom nod to the expected ’she’s not feeling well’. Mom said how important this was and Kara would be over to explain. She said ‘bye’ before more was said.

Kara had her pea coat on by the time Mom hung up.

“I’ll give you a ride,” she insisted, finding her key fob in no time.

In the car, Kara mentally reviewed The Plan. Neil left out exactly what to tell Suzanne. Once in her room the rest was up to her. Like Scott said, she had to WANT to go to Cedardale. An emotional panic overwhelmed her.

“Any ideas on what to say?” She nervously asked Mom.

“Get her to talk about what happened at Casa…like we did at Ricardo’s this morning,” Mom began. “She could be angry at us for taking her. Go with it and just listen. When the time is right, give her a hug.”

They were at Suzanne’s way too soon. Kara’s heart beat faster as they pulled in the driveway. She opened the car door and felt Mom’s hand on her arm.

“You’re a good friend, Kara…it’s what you do best.”

Straight from The Onion Vine  Book 2  Turnaround

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