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“I bet this has something to do with Eleanor,” he suggested.

Suzanne nodded, grateful he said it for her.

Jeff looked at Kara and Mom. “So that’s what this is about? You went to a lot of trouble.”

“We wanted to meet you,” Mom insisted.

“The cake is delicious,” he added, pouring himself more coffee.

Suzanne recovered enough to continue. “I’d like to know where she is…maybe even see her.”

“I guess you’re old enough,” Jeff paused, turning back the years. “Eleanor tried to be a good mother. Her problems got in the way. You were only two when I took you to live with my parents.”

He took out a note pad from his jacket and wrote something down. With a ‘here’ he and handed it to Suzanne.

“This is her last address,” he explained. “Casa Grande is a halfway house. It’s a place…”

“I know what a half way house is,” Suzanne gently confirmed.

“You should call and set something up, first.” He paused and looked at Mom. “Joan, I’d appreciate it if you were around for this. I’d like to hear what happens. Everyone needs to understand there aren’t any guarantees.”

They all nodded and Suzanne leaned over to give Jeff a hug. This was a moment for them to share. Mom glanced at Kara and they took the tray back to the kitchen.

When Suzanne and Jeff left, Kara lingered to help Mom load the dishwasher.

“The worst is over,” Kara said with relief.

Mom was too quiet before speaking. “Maybe not,” she implied. “We’re making a big assumption.”

“What?” Kara questioned, a little annoyed. “We have Eleanor’s address and Jeff’s ok.”

“We’re assuming Eleanor wants to see Suzanne as much as Suzanne wants to see Eleanor. The three of us should talk, first.”

“Mom! That would really bring Suzanne down!”

Mom saw this was heading nowhere and asked Kara if she had homework.

Kara nodded and ran upstairs, anxious to blog.

Personal blog: ’I’ll go in order of what happened. The check from Dave is first. I bet for a sec Mom wanted to throw it in his face or say something like ‘Thanks, but Kara has an nice inheritance that will take care of college’. She didn’t because Mom put me first, and we can really use the money. Ok so he’s finally done something a dad should do, instead of asking me to one of his ‘meetings’.’

‘Next is the handwriting. It looked exactly the same as the postcard in Scott’s Chem book. I still don’t see why he didn’t just say Dave sent it. I could call and ask him, but we haven’t talked for awhile. I hate how he always brings up this ‘meeting’. He knows I don’t want to go, so why not just drop it?’

Kara paused, distracted by her frustration. She returned to thoughts of Suzanne and her dad.

‘Tonight was mostly about Suzanne. I really like her dad. For a sec I thought he was mad at us, like when he said ’so that’s what this is about’. I don’t get why it’s so hard to ask important things. I mean, Suzanne was a wreck over asking her dad about Eleanor…and I can’t bring up the postcard or his mother to Scott. Why? Shouldn’t it be easier if we care about each other?’

‘Suzanne is so ready to see her mother. I don’t get why Mom has a problem. Why wouldn’t Eleanor want to see her own daughter? The first time Suzanne calls might be a shock. She’s waited so long, I can’t see putting it off for a ‘talk’.’

Straight from The Onion Vine  Book 2  Turnaround

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