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Chapter II
Оглавление1. THOR called in thirty million volunteers; and he provided an avalanza, an ethereal ship of fire, in which they embarked for the red star, where they should remain four years and two hundred and thirty and eight days, which was called the dawn of dan, for Thor, of Don'ga.
2. Then outward, onward, through etherea, sped Thor and his thirty millions. Through the swamps of Asath. and the fields of Broddwuski; through the ethereal seas of Hoesonga, toward the arc of Mos, and thence to Chinvat, the boundary of the earth's vortex. Nor halted here, but sped onward in his ship of fire for Gau, the throne of God.
3. God and his Lords, being apprised of Thor's coming, had the capital in readiness for his reception. And they had beside gathered in all the angels of the second resurrection, and as many of the first as chose to come. In all, there were in Gau assembled nine hundred million angels, Fathists in Jehovih, Of these, not more than one million had ever seen an etherean, nor had they visited outward from the earth farther than the seventh plateau in atmospherea.
4. Amongst these, even into the heavenly capital of Gau, alighted Thor and his thirty millions. And after due salutations, in the manner of Gods and Goddesses, a day of recreation was proclaimed from the throne of God; and thereupon the atmosphereans and ethereans mingled together joyfully.
5. Then ascended Thor on the throne of God, and he ordained as followeth, to wit:
6. One million constables to go to the false Lords and false Gods and arrest them, and bring them to Gau for judgment.
7. One million captors to possess the thrones and temples of the false Lords and false Gods, and hold them.
8. Eight million captors to gather in the angel slaves in all the hadan heavens.
9. Six million dispersers to overthrow and disperse the hells (heavenly battle-fields of spirits in chaos).
10. Six million physicians to disrupt fetals from mortals.
11. Two million founders of es'yan nurseries, for the spirits of infants and helpless ones, born into heaven before their full time.
12. One million founders of hospitals, for chaotic angels and others stricken in disease.
13. Half a million marshals; half a million messengers; and three million builders.
14. And when these had been selected by the proper officers, they were dispatched to their several places and duties.
15. Then Thor reorganized the Council of Gau for the period of dawn.
16. So, God and his Lords rested for a season, whilst Thor and his hosts delivered earth and her heavens.
17. In one year all the false Lords and false Gods and Goddesses were captured and brought to Gau; neither passed Thor judgment upon them until they were all brought in. And on this occasion, there were assembled in Gau millions of angels to witness the proceedings.
18. Thor said unto them: Perceive ye not that my power is greater than yours? How can that be? I have but thirty millions; and of you there are more than thirty thousand millions! Wherein, then, am I more powerful? Behold, I have arrested all your heavens and heavenly rulers. How it this? Whence my power?
19. Not one could answer Thor.
20. Then Thor said: My army is a unit. Yours are divided, one against another. Yea, each one was in anarchy.
21. This I declare unto you all: Jehovih, first of all; and His creations, which He hath given unto all His creatures.
22. To learn to master the elements of earth and heaven, this is the foundation for acquiring all power.
23. Because ye bound yourselves in heavenly places on the earth, ye rose not up to the places prepared for you. Answer me now: How standeth the world as to what is to come?
24. Many of the false Lords and false Gods answered after this manner: I fear to speak my mind, lest thou in anger cast me in hell.
25. Thor said: He who hath learnt to know Jehovih, and to serve Him, feareth nothing on earth nor in heaven. Fear is but the manifestation of weakness.
26. Speak, therefore, what ye desire; no harm shall befall you.
27. Then many of them said: This do I perceive, O God: There lie the earth and many heavens. The strongest mortals rule over the weaker; the strongest Gods rule over the weaker. Therefore, make me thy slave. I am content.
28. Then Thor said: A greater hardship give I unto all: I give you your liberty and freedom. Go, therefore, whither ye desire. I ask not one to serve me; but say unto you: Go serve Jehovih by lifting up whoever is beneath you.
29. They answered: Whither shall we go? We know not the way from one heaven to another, nor the way down to the earth. Thou sayest: Go serve Jehovih by lifting up such as are beneath us. Now, verily, we cannot lift up ourselves. Had we great riches, or power, or wisdom, then would we willingly do for those beneath us.
30. Thor said: Verily are ye Gods of darkness. I say unto you, wait not for any of these things, but go at once and serve Jehovih.
31. They answered: When we have first provided a way for ourselves, then will we serve Him.
32. Thor answered: Ye have spoken the darkness of all the world. I say unto you: Go serve Jehovih first; and after that come to me that I may see wherein ye lack in anything.
33. They answered: How can one serve Jehovih by lifting others up, if he have not clothes, nor food, nor habitation.
34. Thor said: It is well ye ask that question; but I say: Direct that question to your own souls; and, behold, the Father will answer you. Let that be the question ye ask yourselves every hour of the day; and watch ye for an opportunity to answer it by the labor of your own hands.
35. Then the false Gods and false Lords were dismissed from custody.
36. Thor commanded the light of the throne and of the pillars of heavenly fire to be raised to a higher grade. The false Lords and false Gods desired to flee because of the brilliancy of the light, but knew not whither to go.
37. Thor said unto them: Why have ye assumed to be Lords and Gods, since ye cannot even master the elements in the lower heavens?
38. i say unto you, the regions of Jehovih's universe are boundless. Let no one assume to do that which he cannot do; but, little by little, learn to master the elements surrounding him, and he will in time learn to traverse Jehovih's beautiful firmament, and be indeed a fit companion for Gods and Goddesses.
39. Then spake the false Lords and false Gods, saying: O that we had some one to teach us; some one to show us the way to learn!
40. Then Thor, perceiving they were in proper humor for resurrection, allotted unto them certain teachers and disciplinarians, and they were taken into educational colonies and put to work.